How to ignore ignorance?

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Hey everyone! It's been a short while since I have responded. I have been so busy with my wedding.
I have a follower who is unsure of what to do when they hear someone using derogatory terms towards people, the worst part is it is from their father.

When I was younger I heard many different terms being tossed around. Gay, fag, retard, bitch, and many more.
The worst was hearing it come from my father.
I remember when I was little being called gay at school. And I was so upset someone used that toward me to make fun of me. I was also in the closet about my sexuality. I told me dad and he said, "well maybe you are a gay?"
The worst part was actually coming out of the closest. My dad and his views on gay people were dating back to the 70's when AIDS was spreading around to many gay men. He figured I would get AIDS and die one day from it. Very ignorant.
But you know hearing someone talk poorly toward a group of people comes from one place in the mind, knowledge. 
They say things they don't understand based simply on the lack of knowledge for that group of people. If your family is being ignorant currently they will change. They will grow and learn more about you. Then one day when someone outside says something ignorant they will be the one hurt and mad! They will verbally attack that person with knowledge they have gained.
So don't take offense to their ignorance currently because it will change.

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