Its supposed to be weekend.

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Without hesitation I answer the call.

"Mr. Grey?" I say into the phone

"Minx, can I please ask you to come into the office today. You'll be paid overtime. I'm busy sorting out months end, and this is something you'll be taking over from me. I know it's book keeping side but you'll need to know it. Be here by 1."

And with that he ends the call.

'1? That's in an hours time.'

I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I wait for the water to warm up while I start brushing my teeth.

Once it's warm I spit my toothpaste out and undress out of my pajamas, I hop in the shower and let the warm water run down my body.

I finish showering and go through to Kate's room.

"Kate I have to go into work for a few hours. Can I borrow something to wear?" I say walking in in my towel

"Of course!" Kate says a little too enthusiasticly jumping up from her bed

She rummages around in her cupboard for a few seconds before pulling out a dress.

"Quick put it on, I was thinking about you when I bought it." She says handing me the dress.

I quickly pull my towel off and slip it on.

I quickly pull my towel off and slip it on

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"Perfect. Now put on some light makeup it'll make everything pop." She says looking me up and down.

"No, what shoes must I wear?" I said turning to the mirror.

"Here take these" she says pulling a pair of matte black stilettos with laces out of her cupboard.

"Here take these" she says pulling a pair of matte black stilettos with laces out of her cupboard

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"Thanks." I say slipping the shoes on and doing the weird lace things.

I walk through the bathroom into my room and grab my purse, phone and keys.

I walk through to the living room and see Adam standing watching sports with Jake

"I'm heading out, I'll see you later, I'm stopping at the shop on the way home, is there anything we need?" I say walking into the open plan kitchen

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