Jake grey

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"Oh my god, make it stop!" Kate shouts at her alarm from the next room.

That's Kate, my roommate. Also my best friend. I've known Kate since we were 5. We're 19 now. Kate has a job down town at a news centre, it's more like an internship to get experience before she heads to varsity next year. Kate is tall, and gorgeous, natural blonde, but she is far from the stereotype. She's really chatty and energetic, not to mention a hopeless romantic. We're complete opposites when it comes to personality but people say we look like sisters. But whereas she's blonde I'm brunette. The vanilla to my chocolate.

 Katherine (Kate), 18 year old

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Katherine (Kate), 18 year old

Minx , 18 years old"MINXXXXX! COME TURN IT OFFFFFFFF!" Kate wines

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Minx , 18 years old

"Cominggg." I shout back.

That's one thing I gained from drinking in my teenage years, I don't get hangovers. But Kate on the other hand, you'd swear she was dying. But today I can't nanny her I need to get my presentation ready and do my research on my new potential boss. My interview is tomorrow morning 9pm sharp at Nathaniel Grey attorney and lawyers offices. The best attourneys and lawyers in the whole State. My dad hired them as his divorce agent, he says Mr. Grey is a very cold and cut off person. Business is business and nothing else. I'm applying for an internship, but whereas Kate's is only for a year before she goes to varsity. Mr. Grey offers a 5 year internship program. So I'll still be working for him while I do my online studies to become a lawyer. And once I graduate if he's happy with my work he'll keep me on and carry on training me.

"You're my hero." Kate says as she pulls the duvet off of her head and gives me a kind smile.

"Kate you know how much I love you."


"You smell like vomit, cheap brandy and mens cologne. I told you to stop drinking that cheap crap, it tastes terrible and you drink that shit like it's water" I say picking up her white dress from last night that has patches of green gunk.

"I knowwwww, I know. But I dont like the strong stuff you drink, it hurts more coming out than it does going in." She says with a disgusted look as she eyes her dress.

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