Whos at the door?

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All of a sudden he pulls back and looks me dead in the eye.

'I'm too drunk for this'

"W-what?" He says looking extremely confused.

"I-I'm a uhhhhh I'm a virgin." I say looking down

'Why does that make me feel guilty admitting'

"I-I'm so sorry." He says taking a step away from me.

"No no no no no no no, don't be. Why would you be sorry?" I say stepping towards him

"I should've asked for consent. But you're right. We shouldn't be doing this. I'm your boss." He says picking up his shirt and putting it back on.

"We do actually have some work to finish up. Get dressed and come to our office."  With that he just walked down the hallway buttoning his shirt.

"Shit, shit shit SHIT." I whisper yell busy picking up my dress.

"You're fuck a fucking idiot." I whisper to myself while attempting to putting back on.

'You can barely stand, let alone put a dress on.'

"Shhhhhhh I'm trying to concentrate! Where does this go?" I audibly reply to my inner voice.

'That kinda looks like a pant leg, try put your leg through it'

"This dress doesn't have pant legs dumbass."

'But still try. I bet you can't.'

"Bet? You bet I can't do it? Watch me." I say trying to put my leg through the loop of fabric that's supposed to cover my chest and go around my neck.

'See you can't do it.'

"Just shush I'm getting it!"

"Mickey?" A male voice chimes from the doorway.

"Who are you talking to? And what are you doing?" He says looking me up and down.

"Ummmmm nobody sir. I wasn't talking to anyone, or doing anything." I reply dropping the dress and attempting to nonchalantly lean against the door.

"Why haven't you put your dress back on?" Nathaniel says as he takes a few steps closer to me

"Ummm, I was overheating so I thought I'd just take a minute to let my body cool down." That wasn't a complete lie. I'm still kinda sweating and breathing heavily from what just happened.

"Whether you put the dress on or not, I don't mind either. But come to my office, we have work to do." He says letting his eyes roam my body once more before turning to leave.

"Mr. Grey! Ummm Nathaniel." I quickly called after him

"Yes Minx?" He says turning around

"Is there something wrong with me? Why didn't you want to....you know?" I said letting my hand drop down to my thigh

I noticed his eyes following my hand, so I slowly dragged it up from my thigh, to my stomach, over my breasts and up to my neck, grabbing the pin that was holding my hair in place letting it fall down in my shoulders.

Nathaniel looked lost in thought, and I could see he is still turned on.

His eyes meet mine and I see his are overflowing with lust.

'Do mine look the same?'

He clears his throat, "No. there is nothing wrong with you." He moves closer to me, I take a step back and hit the door again. He stands right in front of me, close enough that my chest is just under his.

Behind office doorsWhere stories live. Discover now