Brush your teeth!

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7am Monday morning.

"KATE!!! DID YOU TAKE MY BOOTS AGAIN?!" I shout for Kate while I rummage through my shoes.



I storm into Kate's room where she is standing on a chair trying to put my favourite boots in her top cupboard.

'HA busted'

"Caught! Boot in hand." I say moving towards her.

"Minx nooooooooo. You can't wear thaaaaaat! You should wear a dress not some formal old lady clothes." Kate wines looking me up and down.

"First of all I am, and second of all these are not old lady clothes." I say looking down at my clothes before sitting on Kate's desk chair.

Kate climbs off the kitchen chair she'd dragged to her room and in the process SPILLS HER COFFEE ALL OVER MY WHITE SHIRT AND DRESS PANTS!

Kate climbs off the kitchen chair she'd dragged to her room and in the process SPILLS HER COFFEE ALL OVER MY WHITE SHIRT AND DRESS PANTS!

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"IM SORRY, it was an accident." She says trying to suppress her giggle.

"Oh well, guess you're gonna have to wear the dress." She says again looking proud of herself.

"Accident my ass."

She just replies with a giggle.


"See ,look at how preeeeeeeeeeettyyyyyyyy you look." Kate says looking me up and down with a huge grin while I walk into the kitchen.

" Kate says looking me up and down with a huge grin while I walk into the kitchen

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"Shut up Katherine."

"Ooooooo Katherine? I'm in troubleee." Kate starts giggling

"What do you want for breakfast, something quick and easy I need to leave by 8 so I can drop you off at work first before heading to my interview." I say while opening the fridge.

Kate peeks her head over my shoulder.

"Jeez we really need to go grocery shopping, let's just make eggs and those amazing pork sausages." Kate says while grabbing the OJ out the fridge. I grab my apple and cranberry blend before closing the fridge.

"Ew, you and that juice, OJ is so much better than that sour shit." Kate says grabbing 2 glasses out the kitchen cabinet.

"Kate we have had this conversation every morning for the past 2 months we've lived together, I don't like orange juice, plus my apple and cranberry blend isn't that sour after you take a few sips, you get used to it."



"I just noticed how similar we are to our morning juices. You're sour and mean at first but eventually you get used to it and start enjoying it. Whereas I'm like orange juice, sweet, amazing, beautiful OJ." Kate says hugging her carton of OJ before picking mine up and putting them both back in the fridge.

"Kate im gonna go get our meds, you start with breakfast."

Kate just nods while walking to the counter to start with the eggs.

Kate and I are both on some very strong medication, she's on depression and anxiety medication and I'm on anger control and bipolar medication. We have enough meds to kill a herd of full grown elephants. I have a safe in my room that Kate doesn't know the password to, in the past 2 months she's tried overdosing on my meds 5 times because they are stronger. Then for the rest of the month I have to go without my medication. So I saved up and bought a safe to keep both of our medication locked away from her. Along with other things, such as our stash, when im not home she gets bored and smokes all of our weed, and my handgun that she doesn't know about is in there. I got it as a present on my 16th birthday from my dad a few months before he passed away. He said I should have it just in case I need to protect myself, and it has been proven useful.

Before kate moved in i had been living here for just under a year. I moved in just after my 18th birthday, my gran pays the rent for me. I had to move out of my mothers house because I can't stand her new husband. Andrew. He's never laid a land on my mother in the past 11 years they've been married. But he has on me, he abused me for most of my life, and used to undress me and make me lie on the bed next to him while he pleasured himself staring at me. Kate doesn't know this part of my life, and I don't want her to ever find out. I don't want her to pity me, my past doesn't define the person I am today. I'm not gonna lie around and cry about what happened or kill myself. I'll work hard and show the world that your past doesn't define the person you are today.

A few months after I moved out of my mothers house, Andrew came drunkenly knocking at my door. When I answered he forced his way in and started trying to undress me. I managed to fight him off and make a run for my gun. I threaten him that if I ever saw him anywhere near my apartment again I will kill him. He then left and I haven't heard from him or my mother since. My gran told me that he told my mother that he went over to my apartment to see how I was settling in and apparently I was drunk and went off the rails screaming at shouting at him and then I pulled my gun on him and tried to shoot him but I missed. I don't care what he tells my mother. I told her for so many years what he was doing to me, and she told me I was lying and that Andrew would never do that.

After getting our meds and going to the kitchen I watched Kate take her meds, I have to mother like this to make sure she doesn't pretend to take them and then keep them. I used to do that when I was younger, I'd eventually have what I thought was enough then I'd take them all. My gran had to start rushing me to the hospital for overdosing when I was 13.

Kate and I finished up making breakfast and ate quickly, I checked the time again and it was 7:45.

"Come Kate, hurry up we need to go."

She quickly jumps up and chugs her juice before grabbing her bag and running out the door.

"OI ASSHAT, WE NEED TO BRUSH OUR TEETH." I shout after her as she runs down the stairs.

She quickly runs back into the apartment and to the bathroom. I can't help but giggle at her, she acts like such a child sometimes. I love that about her.

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