Chapter 11: "Where is he?"

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Everything was dark when Megatron awoke. Strange sounds echoed in the background that he couldn't identify. Footsteps of humans and the pedsteps of Cybertronians met his audials.

But his thoughts weren't focused on his situation. They were focused on one mech and one mech only.

Let me guess, you're all thinking Optimus. Well, if that's the case, then you are 100% spot on.

Megatron couldn't stop thinking of Optimus until he showed up.

"I see you're finally awake." Lockdown smirked.

"What do you want?" Megatron hissed. The bounty-hunter chuckled at the outburst.

"Nothing you'd care about you pile of scrap." Lockdown responded.

He motioned to the door with a smirk ever present, and a new mech entered.

"Hello Megatron." A new voice practically whispered. He snapped his helm in its direction. A choked gasp escaping.


"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get over the shock, Megatron. I'm not here to catch up on everything we've missed." ThunderStrike hissed. It sent a look of hurt and betrayal across the silver mechs optics that ThunderStrike couldn't be bothered with.

"How could you betray me!?" Megatron questioned. He received a shrug in return.

"I believe this is enough talking Lockdown, I'll handle it from here." A new voice said. With it, an erie calmness was an ever-present underlying factor, unnerving Megatron exceptionally well.

"I see. Silas, myself, and ThunderStrike will take our leave, and the prisoner will be yours to deal with." Lockdown bowed slightly before turning towards the door and taking his leave. ThunderStrike followed closely behind and made sure to close and lock the cell door.

"What do you want, Silas?" Megatron hissed. Venom filled his tone, and hatred filled his gaze. But even the bravest of mechs could see the terror lurking within the depths of the hardened warlord. He wasn't immune to the terror that everyone has experienced at some point.

"Bring the tools in." Silas commanded.

It was obvious that was the response Megatron was stuck with. Not the one he had hoped for, but this was the psychotic asshole who basically almost managed to dismantle Breakdown at one point. He was also the person who later used his dead carcass to get level with the living Cybertronians on Earth. He didn't truly deserve the title of super villain. No, Silas deserved the title of the most psychotic and ruthless ex-military personnel to live.

"Hand me torture device number 13."

Torture device number 13, as it turned out, was a highly upgraded Energon Prod they had stolen from Knockout. Silas and his men had somehow managed to increase the pain level and electric volts. Basically, turning it into one of the most impossibly painful torture devices ever to be made from Cybertronian technology.


Megatrons scream of agony shook the walls of his cell. It was something he could never fathom. It was a type of pain so terrible, so impossibly real... he couldn't... or rather..... he wouldn't be able to put it into words.

"Don't talk back to your superior like that." Silas growled. Every time anything on his face moved, one of his many scars moved as well. It scared Megatron on a definitively different level. He stepped closer to Megatron and stabbed him with the prod again, this time longer and harder.

Megatrons' screams soon turned to intense sobs, his pain clearly visible through both his optics and the burning, charred plating on his lower stomach. It was increasingly obvious that the plating currently in a charred state wouldn't need much more of the prod to then simply melt off.

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