Chapter 2: The Glory of School

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What Optimus said was true, Fowler did indeed help get me into school and apparently they have 8th grade in High School. But right now I'm sitting on the floor in the Autobots base arguing with Optimus. Why, you ask? Because I'm not ready to start my first day at school.

"I don't wanna go." I pouted.

"Annora, you will go and that's final." Optimus retorted angrily.

"No." I replied sassily.

"Annora, I will not listen to your complaining. You shall go to school or no fast food for supper." Optimus threatened. I narrowed my eyes at the Prime but threw my backpack over my shoulder and sulked over to where he stood.

"Fine Prime, you win.... DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH ARCEE OR ELSE I'LL RIP YOU APART LIMB BY LIMB!" I yelled down the hallway since I could hear her snickering. She shut up after that and I smirked as I climbed into Ops cabin.

"Thank you Annora for listening to me." Optimus thanked me. I shrugged as I looked out the window.

"It's nothing really Prime, just tired of meaningless arguments. Well that and I want my K.O Burger. " I chuckled weakly. Leaning on my elbow, I stared out the window as Op took me to school.

*at lunch time during school*

I walked over to the first empty table I could see and sat down. "Thank Primus Fowler gave me money for lunch or else I would've starved." I thought to myself sarcastically.

"Hi, I saw you yesterday! Can we sit by you today? What's your name? Have you heard of Slash Monkey? What do you do in your fun time? Who do you live with?" Miko rapid fired questions at me. "She's just as fast firing questions irl as she is in the show." I thought to myself amused.

"Sure you can sit by me, and ah.... what's your names? No I haven't heard of Slash Monkey. I love to write stories and do digital art. I live with friends is all you need to know." I answered as I nervously chuckled, trying to pull off I had zero clue what their names were or that I've never heard of these things.

"I'm Miko! And those two are my friends Jack and Raf!!" Miko chattered. I shot Jack and Raf a, 'I cannot believe you can handle her' look. Jack just shrugged in response while Raf came and sat by me on my right side.

"So whats school been like for you guys today?" I questioned curiously. Raf shrugged while Jack did a "meh" face.

"Understandable, I've never been a school person. It's always boring and the teachers talk in the worst monotone voice." I complained, "kind of like when Chase tries to sing lullabies to robo-baby." I added under my breath. Raf caught the last bit and eyed me weirdly while Miko laughed a little bit at what I said and I smiled.

I decided to pull out my handy dandy phone and open Gacha Club to see if I still had all my characters. My reaction when I opened it and saw all them? I screeched in joy as I pumped my fists in the air earning everyone in the cafeteria to turn and look at me. I shrugged it off when I closed Gacha Club and opened Transformers Earth Wars. Miko watched me intently while unbeknownst to me, Ratchet monitored my phone. How the bitch did it I have no clue.

*Back at base*
Ratchets POV

I monitored Annora's phone while I worked on fixing my tools. But I mainly fixed my tools.

"Ratchet, what is Annora doing on her phone currently?" Optimus asked me from where he stood infront of his monitor. I looked over to the monitor that showed us what Annora was doing on her phone and I tilted my head in confusion.

"It says she's playing a game called Transformers Earth Wars." I told Optimus. Optimus nodded his helm in understanding and turned back to whatever it was he was previously doing. I also went back to what I was doing.

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