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Dhruv was going to his room when he was called by Sambhavna Shekhawat his aunt, who handled him a letter.
"This came For sameeksha, poor girl has been working since the morning and just went to the room to rest it is from her lawyer must be important hand it to her."

Nodding Dhruv came to his room to see the lights of his room turned off, the room lit just by one of the bedside lamps, he saw her figure on the balcony pacing back and forth. It was sunset, and his room faced south, because sameeksha chose it, so that they could have the sunset view. many sunsets have been witnessed from the balcony but none together.

Moving further he observed her talking on her phone with a frown on her face, she came back inside the room glancing at him, and then focusing her eyes back on the file that lay scattered on her desk.

"They do not want pivoted windows Anant what are you guys even doing?", she said exasperated he glanced and saw her gliding her free hand through her hair. She had her eyes shut with her eyebrows knitted together. she was wearing one of her anarkalis' Dhruv often wondered why was she so traditional, who asked her to wear these, can't she wear comfortable clothes for once? even he feels uncomfortable looking at the clothes she wears.

He started removing his watch and putting it on the nightstand when she sat on the opposite end of the bed and started looking at her phone furiously typing.

Here something came for you in the mail he said picking up the letter and forwarding it to her, in a nonchalant voice, the voice he always used for her.

"What's in it?", she questioned still busy on her phone.

He was probably in a good mood today because when sameeksha heard the tearing of the envelope instead of him ignoring her question she turned to his side and that's when her eyes fell on the name of the sender. Sharvari.

dhruv took the letter out to read it but it was snatched by him before he could even read a word.

dhruv was definitely gonna snap at her why did she ask him to read it if she did not want him to, Instead, he took a minute to look at her face as he saw panic pass on her face which was masked in a second.

She started to get up from the bed but stopped midway when he asked, "What papers are those?"

After a minute of silence as if questioning whether to tell him or not he saw her turn around and sit next to him leaving enough space between them.

He glanced at her face and then at the distance between them. He looked at her again as if asking her to speak up.

"Divorce, these are divorce papers. I need you to sign them."

Dhruv felt something in him sink, a weird feeling settled into his chest and he resisted the urge to rub his hand over his chest. Wasn't this what he wanted? then why does it not feel good? 

He couldn't help but ask, "Why divorce suddenly?", his voice was not so nonchalant, sameeksha sensed softness this time.

"It's not sudden I have been thinking about it for quite some time.", she spoke, her voice passive, Dhruv couldn't help but question is it the same sameeksha he married wasn't she the ever so excited one how come she turned so stoic?

"And you did think it to be important enough to be discussed with me? he asked rather irritated.

"I was going to but after Yuvaan's wedding rituals end. I asked my friend to prepare the papers in advance just didn't know she'd send them so quickly.", sameeksha told as she eyed the papers.

Dhruv looked at his front and nodded slightly. without answering he started to get up and move towards the closet.

"When will you sign them?", sameeksha questioned, her voice low.

Dhruv stopped in his tracks, he fisted his fingers as he felt anger and irritation take the best of him.

"You seem to be in a rush to get out of this marriage, didn't know you were so desperate.", Dhruv uttered with venom his voice rising every second. 

"Yes, I am, in fact very desperate to get out of this marriage,  Dhruv both of us know it won't result in anything, This marriage. sameeksha said as she reached near him.

"Didn't you know this when you agreed to marry me?", he could see the guilt on her face when she looked at him helplessly as if it was not what she wanted, she took a breath and voiced again.

"I had a hope, hope that we could probably make it work, hopes from this relation, from you".

"So now you gave up?", sameeksha heard Dhruv question coldly as if she was giving up on a healthy fruitful relationship of theirs.

"I am, yes! I feel like wasting both your and my time, the more that we stay together the more hope we are giving to the family, dadi at the Puja today wished me to have kids soon, it's high time we end this so that even you could find yourself a suitable partner someone of your choice.", sameeksha answered narrating afternoon's incident to him, because he was not beside her at the puja, like always.

"We can have kids."

Sameeksha snapped her head in his direction, she wondered if she was hallucinating looking at her husband's face. She stared at him as if he had gone crazy. 

"If kids are what you want then we can have kids and continue living how we are, when do you wanna have kids?.", Dhruv himself didn't know the shit he was uttering but it was his consciousness acting he was sure of that.

sameeksha couldn't help but feel the urge to bang his head on the wall next to them because he sure have gone crazy.

dhruv saw her let out a shaky breath, as she fisted her hands whilst she had her eyes glued to the ground. 

"Or is it that you don't wanna give birth to my children?", he saw her head snap in his direction when she looked at him hurt, he had gone a little too far.

"As of the circumstances now, NO I DON'T, alright? and kids are not some goods Dhruv that when you desire they can be bought and brought home, and do you think we'll be able to raise kids of our own in a relationship like this? we'll just end up ruining more lives."

Sameeksha couldn't help but wonder how from discussing divorce they are discussing kids now.

Heaving a sigh she looked at him and spoke softly, "Dhruv remember when you asked me to expect nothing from you, Did I ever? no, I never asked for anything, Have you ever heard me complain? no in fact I tried my best to not come across you in these two years, only thing we have for each other is respect and before we even start losing that, let's end this. I don't think I can do this any further and yeah, not everything is about you, Mr. Shekhawat".

she turned around and left the room in a jiffy.





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