Chapter 13- Over

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Belinda and Angelo walked into the registry having rehearsed what to do and say. They were in their usual professional getup. " Good morning," Belinda said to the man behind the desk, " We're looking for information on someone who schooled here a few years ago." The man raised a brow as if asking who?

" Miss Tiffany Vernon was schooling here, we need some information on her." Angelo said. " We're private investigators." she added seeing his scepticism. His face cleared after hearing this.

The man led Angelo and Belinda to another part of the room where he took out a few registry books. "What was the year?" he asked them. "She started around 1991." Angelo said.

The girls pored over the records and documents. Tiffany had a master's in Forensic Science. She was also a star student, what happened to her? Belinda was really confused by the time they walked out. "Angelo, she was a science student but she works in a house, as a maid!" "Bell can you, relax a bit, okay, but there is something very wrong with this." Angelo reflected.

" I think she knows who killed my parents, not Elizabeth, we're going there and getting answers." Belinda said getting into a cab." Hey! Hold up." Angelo shouted.


Judith and Tiffany walked quietly into Elizabeth's yard, it was very early in the morning, the sun had just risen. There were no leaves on the ground, as it was nearing summer so they made no sounds as they walked. They found the spare key and unlocked the door.

Tiffany crept up the stairs, hiding her guns in her pockets. " Elizabeth, Good morning," Vernon said, "We need to talk to you. At "We" Elizabeth raised a brow. She walked down the stairs in her slippers and gown.When she saw Judith, tall, strong, high professional bun and dressed in black she was quite surprised, who was in her house this early in the morning though. "Would you ladies like anything to drink?" The two women asked for coffee and Mrs. Crossell shuffled into her kitchen to make it.

Judith looked at Tiffany and she nodded. She grabbed a vase from a television stand and walked into the kitchen. Elizabeth was standing by the island, not holding a mug or a coffee tin, but holding a knife. "Why the hell are you in my house?" she asked Judith. "Oh I think you know exactly why." Then a loud smash was heard from the kitchen and Elizabeth crumpled to the floor. Blood streamed down the side of her neck but she was still alive.

The two women tied Elizabeth up, on a hard, plastic chair. While she was still unconscious the two women set up some cameras and made sure their guns were loaded. " Hey, Tiffany, don't you think she would have called someone if she thought something was up ?" "No, she didn't have enough time, plus, the person would probably already be here." Tiffany assured her.

At around 7:30 they were ready to finish up and wake her. "Liz wakey, wakey." Tiffany called shaking her lightly. Elizabeth woke slowly, processing the situation. "What d-" "Hey, Elizabeth, do you know who I am?" Judith asked.
"No," she sighed, "Francine this will get you fired please untie me." Tiffany glanced at Judith, they seemed to reach a silent agreement.

"Elizabeth,  I'm the person who killed your husband." Judith said ignoring her. Elizabeth and Tiffany gasped. Tiffany was excited but Elizabeth seemed stunned.Then she tried to get up and move towards Judith. "Hey, hey, don't do that can you just cooperate so we can finish here." Tiffany said softly.

"Are you going to kill me?" Elizabeth asked dejectedly. " Hmm... maybe," Judith said , "Now, Elizabeth can you tell me exactly what you told those girls?" " They don't know anything, I swear. They were just asking about my husband." "Right, but you did something else, you did something to someone, someone important to Flora." Judith said. " I-I k-k-killed, someone, your agent." "Yes Elizabeth, you did, now... do you know the eye for an eye concept?" Tiffany asked seriously. Elizabeth remained silent, her eyes were filled with unshed tears. "Elizabeth?" "Yes, yes I know it." she said, " Can you just kill me already!" " No, that's not how this works, you have to apologize, look at the camera and tell them that you are sorry." "Elizabeth turned to look at the camera and said, " I'm sorry... for, for killing your flower-" POP! Judith shot at the ceiling. " What did you just say, did you just say flower, Tiffany she just said flower." Suddenly the front and back doors burst open and things began unraveling very quickly. 

"Police! Put your weapons down!" " What the hell!"Judith yelled. Angelo and Belinda appeared in front of the police. "Shut it down, Tiffany, it's over." Elizabeth, Judith and Tiffany were arrested.  By the door Tiffany stopped, Kevin Clement was standing there tapping away at his mobile. She gasped and said, '' You called the cops on us, didn't you?" "It was time to get clean Tif." he replied smiling. "Ugh! You little piece of sh-" " Goodbye Tiffany." Kevin said pushing her out onto the porch, smirking. 


Belinda was in the police station for the second time in her life, but this time she wasn't sad, she didn't know how to feel. They had called her in to tell her who had killed her parents. Finally closure, but was this really what she wanted? Yes. She walked into another dark  room with the officer and sat down." You can talk to the suspect, the culprit for five minutes" the officer told her. She looked at the person sitting across from her and spat on the floor.

" I don't think you're allowed to do that." Tiffany said." Don't freaking tell me what is right and wrong to do," Belinda snapped. Tiffany laughed, a loud, maniacal laugh. Belinda went on unfazed "Now tell me why, why you killed my parents, and how you stay sane killing people, parents?" Belinda asked. "I stay sane because I know that those people did terrible things." Tiffany said. "Oh really! So what could my parents have done to deserve that huh!" " Your father, and you already know this , he worked at several banks, he was stealing their money and eventually he messed with a bank in association with, with us. That didn't end well for him. Your mom, however, well she was at the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrong-"  " Person." Belinda finished. 

She stood up. " Go to hell, Tiffany." Belinda said and walked out of the room.


Angelo stood outside the police station, she was in front of her light blue VW Beetle. "So, Tiffany, huh,   you know I never liked her." " Let's  go buy ice-cream." Belinda said. The two girls hopped into the car and drove off into the horizon.

|Heyy this is the last chapter. I am done, however there will be an epilogue so stick around for that! Thank you all so much for reading, even though this little book was supposed to be done a while ago. I love you all thank you, thank you, thank you!❤|

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