Chapter 6- Can you make the shot

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At 8:30 Judith woke up. She made herself some black coffee and sat down. She looked at her bag and sighed, it was going to be a long day. 

They hadn't called her in months why now? Plus there were several other people who could make the hit,  and better than her too. She couldn't  get  out of this one, there would be serious  consequences if she tried.

At around quarter past nine she set out. The meeting place was an old dilapidated building near  city hall. Man she hated that place but it was a clever meeting area.

She decided to get a taxi to just few blocks away from the building as to not raise suspicion then she would leg it from there.

Judith was the cleanest shooter the team had. In her 15 years of work she had only two slip-ups and they weren't even that bad.  She, however was not their best shot nor was she a good speaker but she managed every mission  she was sent on.

Now, 37 she was still strong and could do very well in the field. Until recently she had been totally focused on impressing her boss. She was getting tired, she wanted a clean record now.

After a fifteen minute walk she reached the building. It used to be a little café. It burned down two decades or so before.

At first Judith saw  no one near except for a man walking his dog. Then a flower bulb  rolled by her feet, she looked in the  direction it had rolled from. Someone in a black hoody and sweats was looking at her. She jumped over some dead shrubs and jogged to the person.

"You're early," she said. "You're early," Judith responds. "Fair enough, right Elizabeth Crossell." the woman says. Judith remains  silent but nods.

"1035 Johns Ave." She says, " She has a maid and a few guests but her house and street aren't too busy," she continues "All you need to do for now is monitor the house and give us feedback, there is a night 'gaurd' already, you will only go when he arrives. Understand? " "Yeah." Judith replied, " Where's the com?" The woman handed Judith a little  rectangular object a tweaked mobile phone that most employees had. "You start tomorrow," the woman said. She then shook Judith's hand and turned to walk away. Judith hated how she just left like that.

She too turned around and walked away. Now to find another cab.

Her day would be very uneventful.

|Just thought I'd treat you guys to an extra chapter today. Thanks for reading. Vote if you liked this chapter.♡|

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