Chapter 9- There's way more to it

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|  Apologies  for  this  extra late chapter I had exams for a few weeks I believe  I will go back to proper uploading in a couple weeks but for  this week  here is your  chapter|

Judith decided to take a very long sick leave. The pharmacy  wasn't  even that busy and her boss wouldn't  mind her absence. She knew her other employers  were wasting her skills but she was old now and they didn't  trust her 'condition'.

  Judith  had a bag with food, weapons and books. She was not going sit on a sidewalk all day in boredom.


After a couple  of days Judith  got frustrated. The only people that had knocked  at Elizabeth's  door were a plumber, a post man and a delivery person. The other guard mostly arrived really late at night so her days were long and quiet.

She didn't  know much about the Crossells but she was certain she had heard the name before. Judith,  however wasn't  interested  in knowing the names  of her targets.

Days passed with  no signs of  action until one weekend.
There were two girls(teenagers)  visiting  Elizabeth. They came  quite  late at around eight in the evening. Judith thought nothing of them at first  but they stayed for so long that she started getting a bit suspicious.

The second gaurd arrived at a bit past nine. He was young, a new guy which totally offended Judith  because she was in higher ranks than him. "You're awake!"  he said as if it surprised  him " You are three hours late," she said angrily  " Okay okay relax I had some business  to attend to, " the guy said Judith just rolled her eyes.

" How about  I stay  here a bit longer,  you can stay but I want to stay too," she said " Why?"  he asked " Well  she   has some guests, girls  'bout college age,  they have been in there for about 2 hours."    "What if her son's  have  girlfriends?" the gaurd asked " Where are her son's  if those are their girlfriends? " Judith asked annoyed.

Eventually  she convinced him  to let her stay  for at least forty minutes.  Just when Judith started  getting annoyed again ,the girls came out of the house. It was around twenty past nine.  Judith and the other gaurd- they called each other Bree and Michael- had formed a plan.

Judith would hide in the neighbour's front yard and watch. 'Michael' would stand at the far end of the road before the turn as if he was walking past the Crossell  home.  Then when he saw the girls he would ask why they were out so late. The plan fell into place exactly  as they wanted it to.

Belinda  and Angelo looked pretty surprised aout the news they'd  gotten. They were talking and  shaking their heads and gasping. 'Michael' bent round the turn and approached them. He took about  20 steps then stopped. " Hey,  what are you girls doing out here so late?"

Belinda  spoke up,  "Oh yeah um, Miss Cooks, I assume you don't  know her, is my aunt and I have a tight schedule for the next couple weeks starting  Monday so I dragged Court over here to  see her with me," she smiled " I  only come for the food, " Angelo  said with a mischievous smirk. " I see but you two look stunned, what happened? " "Oh,uh family matters," Angelo whispered 'Michael' nodded and told them to have a safe trip home.

He proceeded to walk into the neighbour's front yard. Judith popped up from behind the bush, surprisingly  she didn't  even have a speck of dust in her hair. "So?" she asked " They came to see Cooks she's  the black haired one's  aunt or whatever." the gaurd said  Judith nodded her head but she felt off about it.  "Did they hint about what they spoke about?" "Family issues, I  think someone is sick." he  said  " Right, right! Well I am going home, seeing as my shift ended ages ago." Judith said.

They waved each other bye and Judith  headed for the bus stop. Were there buses to her part of  town at this time? Well she couldn't walk there so she might as well look. As Judith walked she thought  about the girls. Maybe they were telling the truth what the heck else could they be doing there. Nothing, they wanted to see someone's aunt that was it.

  But little did she know. There was way more to it.

| Thanks for  reading ♡|

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