Chapter 11 - Backup

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Francine buttoned up her coat and walked out her front door and down the steps. Her house was a little servant's quarters at the back of the Crossell's house.

She walked out of the yard and down the street. After taking a turn she waved to a man in a blue hat. Kevin. "Let's sit in there," he said pointing to a café across the street. She nodded and they went in not looking at each other.

"Okay, what exactly do they want from me, and what am I getting from it?" she asked coldly and quickly . " I think you already know what they want," he said and she nodded, " as for what you will get...well a new job for one and two-thousand bucks, " he continued.

Cooks nodded and beckoned the waiter to their little table. Without looking at him she said, " One coffee,with cream and sweetener," she paused then continued , " You want anything?" Kevin shook his head. Then the waiter left.

"So, is there anyone else I'll be working with?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Kevin nodded and held up two fingers." Weapons, I need weapons." Francine said.

"I'll call you this afternoon, you'll go to a certain location and meet someone there... " he stopped, the waiter was back. Francine gave him the thumbs up indicating that he could leave but he first whispered to her, "Someone's on patrol in the daytime, talk to them." " Patrol where?" she asked wearing a puzzled expression on her face. "Your place, of course. " he said.

Then he stood up and walked out of the café. Shoot, shoot,shoot. Francine really didn't want this stupid job, but if those girls found out more she'd probably find herself in prison.


Belinda was compiling notes on what they had found. She was giving up, they were back at square one. There wasn't even a suspect anymore. Belinda was frustrated but Angelo was pushing her to dig deeper. She was glad to have her.

When she was done she decided to check some people out online. First she pulled up Elizabeth. Nothing much there, before her husband's death she was always busy in the community and at her son's schools.

Next she searched Richard Crossell. She didn't dwell on his history much as she knew a bit about him from his wife. He died at age 39. Interesting, that she didn't know.

She decided to search for Francine Cooks. Click! Nothing came up, absolutely nothing. What? Was her computer glitching? No it was pretty new. Maybe she wasn't doing something right. She searched again and again but after a while she decided to call Angelo.

After a couple of minutes Angelo opened her front door for Belinda and they started working. "Maybe she's just not online or something," Angelo said after more failed attempts. Belinda agreed and they changed their strategy.

"It's time to go oldschool!" Belinda said enthusiastically. So they decided to interview people in their town one by one. A few people in each area.

First they went over to the Crossell's house to sneak a picture of Francine. Once they had done so they began their interviewing.

After about 3 and a half hours of talking to people and finding nothing, save for the confused expressions in everyone's faces, they reached the last person for the day. It was a middle aged woman in an apartment on the west side of town.

"Excuse me, " Belinda said "But would you happen to know a Miss Cooks in town, here's her picture if you wa-" "That's not Cooks," the woman cut her off after examining the photo . "Where did you get that picture ? " she asked "We took it," the girls said together and Angelo wiggled the camera.

"So, what do you mean by ' that's not Cooks' ?" Belinda asked."You know what, why don't you two come talk inside, " the woman said peeking behind the girls, onto the street. Both girls galnced at each other then nodded and stepped into the house. Finally they were getting somewhere.

|I'm back people. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also check out my other book best friends here on Wattpad. ♡|

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