Chapter 4- Piece of Cake

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That weekend Belinda had invited Angelo over to her house. "Here! It's actually here, it says it belongs to Mr. Crossell." Angelo shouted excitedly. " Come on lower your voice, aunt Cath'll hear you," Belinda chastised her friend. "Yeah yeah whatever, so what's the next step? " Angelo asked.

The girls had been friends for over nine years so Belinda trusted Angelo with just about all of her secrets, including her investigation. They were basically sisters.
"We need to find his house and go talk to him, " Belinda said as if it would be a piece of cake. "Belle, it doesn't just work like that. We need disguises and stuff. " Angelo said. " You are nuts , " Belinda said seriously. "Come on Belle we should at least wear all black and have ' sensible shoes' and tight buns and... " "Yeah obviously , " Belinda said rolling her eyes.

The girls planned to go later in the day. The Crossell's address was fairly near Angelo's house so they told Belinda's aunt that they were going to her house. Angelo's house, however was not near Belinda's. They had to take three taxis and they still had to walk another block until they reached the house.

When they reached the Crossell's address they found a massive three storey house. It had lush gardens and flowers lining the path up to the house. There was a beautiful lawn and a thick green hedge lining the huge yard."Woah!" Angelo said when they reached the gate.

Belinda took hold of Angelo's arm and half-dragged her up the path and onto the porch."Ow! My heels are killing me as it is, do you want me to sprain my ankle?" Angelo protested "Maybe. " Belinda said, a mischievous smirk on her face. Belinda's feet were super sore too but because of pride she would never admit it.

Belinda knocked with the old fashioned knocker and waited. A few moments later a young lady with a serious expression on her face opened the door. "How can I help you?" she said in a crisp british accent.

Belinda was stuck for a second then she said "Oh, yes we are trainee detectives, Miss Freeman and Miss Courtez wer'e here to speak to a Mr. Crossell.We are doing an investigation on the Maren's case." She said it all confidently without even blinking but her heart was beating extra hard and she was thinking, 'Buy it buy it.'

"Wasn't that case declared cold a while ago?" the woman asked. 'Shoot!' Belinda thought. "We've unearthed some new evidence," Angelo said quickly seeing the desperation in Belinda's eyes. "Hmm, okay but what information are you here for ?" she asked with suspicion. "May we come in first Miss... umm ?" Belinda asked. "Cook," the woman said opening the door wider.

Belinda was disappointed that it wasn't Mrs. Crossell
" I thought this was the Crossell home, " she said. "Oh, yes it is, I'm just the housekeeper. Mrs. Crossell is upstairs" said Ms. Cooks. "I'll call her down." she said, and dissapeared up the steps.

|Miki here thanks for reading this chapter I know you waited a while for it but I hope it was worth the wait.Vote of you liked it, just tap the little star at the bottom.♡|

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