Chapter 8 - Full proof

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"Oh my gosh what if !" Angelo said, " Belinda maybe your parents were involved somehow, I mean the banks..." "No, no no no, it...they, No!" Belinda said in disbelief.

Her hunch was right. Her parents, her dad had been involved in those bank robberies. "I need newspapers, old ones from '94" she said. "What? why?" Angelo asked puzzled. " My dad he, he robbed those banks right? So I need newspapers from the late eighties," Belinda said getting excited. " You're not mad or or sad or something?" Angelo asked her. "No there has to be a reason behind his thefts, I mean my grandparents from both sides left a lot of property so we didn't stuggle with money, unless, oh no, unless he had a debt, a big one" she said.

Then Angelo said,"Oh! What if he borrowed cash from the drug cartel people and he needed to pay it back and they added interest and and-" "Angelo shut up I'm thinking!" Belinda shouted. Angelo pulled a sulky face and stopped talking.

"You know what," Belinda suddenly said, " We are going to interview Elizabeth Crossell one more time and we are going to get straight answers from her. " Angelo nodded but she wasn't sure about it. " What if she calls the cops on us though?
" What will the charges be? Asking questions about a dead guy. "

"Okay, " Angelo said defeated.

The two girls planned very carefully before leaving. They made sure that Catherine thought they were at the Cobley's place. They rang up the boys and told them to cover them. Then they told Linda, Angelo's mother they were going to be at Belinda's house for a sleepover. Finally when they were sure their plan was full-proof they headed out.

It was past seven p.m. when they left the house. They planned to go to the Crossell home and talk to Miss Cooks first, get a solid statement and then talk to Elizabeth with all the evidence they needed.

Belinda had a list of banks that her dad had worked at that had been robbed. She had also managed to find several newspapers from over a decade before. She had sussed out a lot from the reports and she was sure that the puzzle had a few pieces missing until it was complete.

They two girls reached the gate at a bit past eight. They had gotten something to eat at a little diner near Angelo's house. There were few people on the street. A woman sitting on the sidewalk, most likely waiting for someone was the only person they saw.

The girls walked into the yard and up the drive to the door. The whole house was lit with bright lights as if it were full of people , wierd.

Belinda knocked on the door and unsurprisingly Miss Cooks opened it. She looked surprised, "What are you two doing here?" she said looking out into the night, a worried look coming over her face. " We need to talk," Belinda said with a serious expression on her face. " Oh, of course," Cooks said annoyed.

They sat at the kitchen table to talk " Miss Cooks-" Belinda started "Uh... call me Francine , " she interrupted. " Miss Cooks, " Belinda continued, ignoring her, "Let me ask you this, how did Richard Crossell really die?"

Miss Cooks looked stunned then she said, " I told you he had a heart attack." "No, he didn't," Angelo said. She looked into Miss Cook's eyes." Fine, fine he was poisoned, "
"By who?" Angelo asked. "It was a misunderstanding it was for his wife,she said it herself." Belinda raised an eyebrow. " Elaborate." "L-listen this family is into a lot of wierd stuff, dangerous things so I suggest you just leave them alone," Cooks said shakily. "Okay, Francine, can we speak to your employer instead." Belinda said icily. Cooks hesitated a moment then said, " I'll get her for you."

Now Elizabeth was confused, those girls were back, again. What had they found out? She was getting worried now. Her strategy was to appear confident and make sure they found out nothing.

"Ah ,you are back," she said with a forced smile. " Mrs. Crossell, " Belinda said nodding . "What brings you two back here?" "We are here to discuss you husband's murder," Belinda said. She was really enjoying this.

The colour drained from Elizabeth's face. She said firmly, trying to hide her horror "There is no murder to discuss." Cooks piped up and said " Miss , they already know more than you think," Elizabeth's face got even whiter if possible and she said, " Let's talk then."

| I know I keep uploading late but I just started snother project so I am quite busy. I promise this is the last time this will happen . I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I wonder what Belinda is onto. We will see very soon.♡|

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