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Kraang laughed as Leo held his katana. "Outmatched and alone, yet you persist. For what? Honor, redemption? Sacrifice? All meaningless."

"We'll see about that."

Leo slides under him and teleported in front of him, Kraang grabbed him. Leo threw his katana, kraang dodged it. Kraang threw Leo on the ground hard as if he was nothing but an insect. He pinned Leo to the ground by using his robot foot.

"Leo, please! I can't lose you again." Casey plead.

"Hey, future me would be real proud of you. I'm proud of you." He told the boy with a caring voice.

"Weak words, weak actions. I have forever known what you fail to understand. Strength. always. prevails!" Kraang said.

Leo stabbed his katana into the robot's leg and held onto the robot's toe. "What you fail to understand is I missed on purpose."

Leo and the Kraang get teleported into the dimension.

"No, enough of your little tricks." He grabbed Leo's katanas and threw them behind him, resorting in him getting hurt. He grabbed Leo by the throat.

"Casey, close the portal now," Leo yelled, even if he was getting choked.

"What?!" Kraang yelled and looked at the portal behind him.

Casey holds the canister, he wanted to take it out but he didn't want to lose Leo. Tears were building up, he didn't know what to choose.

Kraang was getting away and Leo grabbed him by the side of his mouth.

"No! Let go of me!" Kraang began to punch the side of Leo's head.

"Casey, please!" Leo begged for the boy.

Casey quickly took the canister out of the slot and ran to get away from the tower, he was running while sobbing, and it hurt him badly.

Raph stood still, witnessing the technodrome destroyed. Gabby hugged him, crying harder than she has ever cried. Mikey covered his mouth in shock, he couldn't believe his brother was gone.

Casey grappled away from the building as metal and debris began to fall on top of the tower.

Kraang looked at the closed portal in disbelief.

"You've been portal chopped," Leo said, letting go of Kraang.

Debris began to fall, including Leo. He crashed into a wall, he couldn't move anymore. He may be trapped forever but he was glad his family and planet were saved. Kraang landed on the ground, he couldn't believe his plan failed. He turned to Leo slowly.

"You!" He was furious at the turtle. "You ruined everything!" He chuckled darkly as he inches closer to Leo. "And now, my wrath will be reversed for you alone."

He began to punch Leo, letting his anger out on him.

"You think you've won, you wretched little pest!" He punched Leo so hard, the two went through the ground and onto another platform below them.

Leo couldn't feel anything. He couldn't move. He was tired... weak and bruised. He weakly opened his right hand... it contained the family photo... He held it dearly in his palms...

He swallowed and turned his frown to a smile... He could only think how happy they were on Earth, not even thinking how upset they are now. Tears began to flow down his cheek.

"Wipe that grin off your face!" Kraang yelled and threw Leo away from him, making everything explode around him.

Leo held onto the photo against his chest, tears were still falling...

ENDLESS LOVE- C.JWhere stories live. Discover now