No. 2

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A news van stormed out of the museum, missing pedestrians and then driving on the road. It was a chase prosecute.

"We did it! We got the whatcha ma hoosie doodle!" Hypno the hippo magician said to his partner in crime, Warren the worm. Warren was driving the van while Hypno was in the passenger seat.

"Of course we did. Nothing can stop super villain Warren Stone and his conjuring compatriot, Hypno Potamus!" Warren zoomed past traffic, nearly missing all the cars.

The news van was driving recklessly and passing many cars. A building next to them was the turtles hot on their tails.

"There they are! Okay, here's the plan-" Leo interrupted Raph, and this stopped the entire team.

"Raph, relax. Who needs a plan when we got crazy cool mystic powers?"

"LEO!" Raph yelled, Leo ignores him and sped off. Blue lightning surrounded him and his twin katanas glow.

"Come on, swords. It's portal time! I'll see you guys later after I save the day!" He made a portal and fell backwards, with his arms behind his head. The portal disappeared, leaving three turtles behind with an angry Raph.

The News Van was driving recklessly past cars. Leo jumped out of the portal, and jumped on top of a car. He threw his sword, making another portal and landed again on another car. The portal jumped across traffic, trying to get close to the van.

Hypno pocked his head out of the van and spotted Leo, they were now in trouble.

"Wellington Sunday! It's those pesky turtles." He said to Warren.

Behind them, a portal opened and Leo jumped out of it. Hypno screamed when he saw him.

"License and registration?" Leo said calmly, leaning on Warren's seat and spinning his katana.

"Oh, I'm sorry, mate. I must have left it in my other jacket." Doves flew out of Hypno's sleeves, knocking Leo out of the van. Luckily he held onto the handle of the door. He laughed playfully as he felt he was flying.

Raph noticed that Leo was holding onto the handle of the backdoor. He didn't know Leo was laughing, he thought that Leo was screaming for help.

"Leo!" Raph yelped when a dove landed on his face. "Leo, we're coming!"

"Don't worry. I got 'em right where I wanted 'em." Hypno threw two Tvs at Leo. One missed him and Leo kicked the other one, hitting hypno's face.

"Doesn't look that way to me," Raph said under his breath. He lifted his arm to contact the other turtles. "Donnie, Mikey, Maneuver 12."

"On it," Donnie said.

Mikey swung into the sky, and he wrapped his Nunchaku chain around Donnie's bo-staff. Donnie frontflips in the air as Mikey spins as well. Mikey's nunchaku unwrapped itself off Donnie's bo staff and Mikey yelled: "Whip'o rama!"

Mikey spun away, surrounding himself with lightning and fire. As the mutant was next to the van, and sliced the van horizontally and revealed Hypno, Warren -His hair was sliced off- and Leo.

Donnie was behind the vehicle and dodged the other half of the van.

"Prepare to be Donnie'd by my mystic tech!" He summoned purple transparent missiles. He flies higher so that the missiles have enough space to fly toward their target. He twirls his staff and then signaled the missiles toward their target.

They land on the road in front of the van and they made a barrier to stop it. Warren turned the wheel and the van missed the barrier completely. Hypno and Leo were still fighting and they slammed into the side of the van.

Hypno screamed when he saw Raph, who was falling from the sky. Raph slammed his sais together, summoning a large transparent version of himself.

"Okay creeps, hand over the stolen thingy!" Leo jumped into the blue portal, just in time for Raph to smash the van. Stuff flew into the sky including the two criminals. Raph spotted a weird-looking canister.

"That's gotta be what they stole." Raph leapt into the sky and yelled: "I got it!"

Leo was standing on the sidewalk. Leo saw Raph was about to grab the canister

"With those clumsy hands? No, I got this one." Leo spun his katanas. Raph had the canister in his grasp but gasped when his transparent red hand went through it.

Leo smirked to himself, but he freaked out when he saw Raph's phantom hand going through the portal. He quickly sliced the air and the portal closed but it didn't stop Raph's fist from punching him square in the face.

Raph's fist jumped across the road with the canister wrapped around it. He landed and looked at his arm which was missing a hand. Donnie landed on the ground next to Leo, who was injured.

"Ooh, you portal chopped him!" Donnie said, lifting his goggles.

"Portal chopped, I like it, Maybe my new catchphrase? Okay, let's see how it fits. "You've been portal chopped."" Leo sang a little tone but Donnie interrupted him by pushing his face away from him.

Raph's hand landed in front of Hypno. He was about to grab it when a person stepped on his hand.

"I'll be taking this." He takes the canister and Raph's hand disappeared. It was the Foot Clan leader who took it, alongside his partner.

Raph gasped and his transparent self fades away. "The Foot Clan?"

"Finally, after all these centuries, this is ours." He held the canister in his grasp.

Hypno interrupted the leader's speech. "Of course, thanks to us, delivered safe and sound. No problemo, partner." Hypno looked at the leader's partner and said quickly. "Hey, just quietly, are we partners? We are partners, yeah?"

The leader facepalmed at his ignorance and they all disappeared into thin air.

"Oh man, that thing must be dangerous if the Foot Clan wants it." Mikey panicked while holding his head.

"You think?" Raph growled, slamming his fist into his palm while looking in a certain direction. Mikey looked in that direction. It was Leo.


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