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Raph and the three Kraangs were walking toward the portal that was at the top of the tallest building.

"A shame our brethren didn't survive the prison dimension. Then, again, their weakness has no place in my new kraang empire." Kraang walked up the stairs, leading to the portal. "Open and bring unto this world the mighty power of kraang!"

He put the canister into the slot, powering it up. The power of the city went off, scaring many people in the city. A pink portal began to appear above the building, lightning struck and tentacles came out of it. Large tentacles were attached to a large metal sphere. The Technodrome. People were screaming as cars and other debris began floating into the air.

The three kraangs walked into the technodrome. Raph stopped and bowed down to them as they approached three lifeless suits.

"Begin!" The krang in the middle shouted.

The military was now involved, trying to destroy whatever appeared at the centre of the city. Nothing worked. The army tried shooting at it, sending missiles, rockets, and tank bullets, but nothing could destroy the sphere. The technodrome and the kraang beasts were destroying every moving object in the sky...

"Gabby? Gabby, wake up!"

She gasped and shot right up. Her breathing became more intense, but when she saw everyone, she sighed in relief.

"Everyone.. everyone ok?" She smiled. Everyone let out a nod of agreement. She nodded I'm return, and got up, grunting in pain. April grabbed her and she smiled at her. She returned the smiled.

The gang were standing ontop of an apartment building, witnessing destruction and chaos.

"What do we do now?" Mikey asked, terrified.

"I fear we are lost. The Kraang are too powerful." Splinter said with a heavy heart.

Leo fell to his knees, his eyes began to tear up again. He pulled out the picture that Casey had and stared at it. April put her other hand on her mouth, terrified. Gabby looked up in horror.

"Oh.. oh my goodness..."

"Maybe we could change the future some other way," Mikey begged.

"Guys, it's time to face facts," Casey said, lifting his mask on top of his head. "We can't change the future."

"Says who?" Mikey yelled.

Donnie began to point out the facts. "Says the grandfather paradox, says physical determinism, says the space-time continuum. Look, I didn't want it to be true but..." He sighed. ""

This gave Leo an idea...

Leo stood up and pointed at the sky. "That's it! Donnie's wrong!" And pointed at the frowning soft-shell turtle.

"The world is ending, yet the barbs continue." Donnie crosses his arms.

"Don't you remember? We already did change the future. Raph never got kidnapped and turned into a Kraang zombie in your time. Right, Casey?" Leo pointed at Casey.

"No, he didn't." Casey began to realize something...

"That means we did change the future! We're just in a different..." Leo began to stumble through his words and Donnie gave him the answer: "Bifurcated time branch?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that nerd thing." Leo nodded rapidly. "You know what that means, right? We still have hope!" He said happily.

"A ninja's greatest weapon," Casey mumbled.

"Hey, I like that!" Leo agreed with Casey and then sighed. "Look, I'm done thinking I have all the answers." He admits it to his friends and family. "I don't know how to beat the Kraang, but I do know our future isn't written until we write it as a team. So what do we got?"

ENDLESS LOVE- C.JWhere stories live. Discover now