No. 4

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"And then we saw that picture and we brought him here."

The boy blinked a few times and saw Leonardo.

"Sensei?" He spoke which made Leo yelp and held out his katana in fear. Everyone turned their attention toward the boy.

"It's you! It's all of you. Together! I never thought I'd see you again!" He began to tear up. "I'm so happy I could hug you!" He leaned in but he didn't notice he was tied up in a chair and he fell to the ground.

Raph pulled the chair up and a projector landed on a table and turned on automatically. Raph began to interrogate the boy.

"Who are you, and why do you have a picture of us?" He held up the photo of everyone in the room.

"Yeah, who took this? Cause I look great." Leo said with a smile, stars sparkling around him. Raph was displeased.

"Yeah, and why aren't I in the picture?!" Gabby sneered, rolling her eyes. Leo ruffled her hair and she chuckled. 

"What's your favourite pizza? 'Cause I'm ordering right now." Mikey said, typing the number of a nearby pizzeria. Raph facepalmed, clearly annoyed with his brothers.

"And why are you wearing genius build apparel!?" Donnie shouted, making everyone jump. "That's trademarked!" He slammed his fist on the boy's arm, and it deployed a grappling hook. It hit Donnie in the face then zipped across the room, and everyone began to dodge it.

The grappling hook attached itself to the ceiling and the boy went upside down and went up.

"He's trying to escape!" Mikey yelled. He grabbed the chair and pulled it downwards, the chair hitting him in the process. The room was in utter chaos. The boy began to swing from side to side as April and Raph were ready to hit him.

"Want me to knock him out again?" April asked Raph.

"Let me," Raph said, ready to hit the spinning boy.

Mikey was screaming Donnie's name, shaking him. Splinter was enjoying the chaos. He was eating popcorn and his tail slapped Leo's hand away from getting near his food. 

Gabby couldn't help but start laughing at the scenery in front of her, before coughing and falling to the floor

"Wait, wait, stop! I'm a friend. Let me explain." The boy yelled and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Let's start over."

The five turtles surrounded the boy, now fully listening to what he is going to say.

"My name is Casey Jones, and the reason I have this photo and your tech is because you gave it to me, but not yet, because I'm from the future."

Everyone began to laugh hysterically except for Casey. (And gabby, who was still on the floor.)

"This isn't a joke." He said

"Oh please, if time travel is possible, future Donnie would have come back and already given me all the lottery numbers like we planned."

"It's true! I need you to believe me. Humanity depends on it. In the future, an alien race decimated the planet. We were hunted. We lived in caves. We ate leaves and rats." He noticed Splinter sitting on the couch. "No offense."

"None taken. We are delicious." Splinter said, plopping another popcorn in his mouth.

"I know how this sounds, but Master Leonardo gave me a mission." He looked at Leo.

"I do like how he calls me Master," Leo smirked at Raph, and he scoffed in response.

"Of course I do. Your the greatest ninja the world's have ever seen." Casey said with an admirable expression.

"Aliens. Pfft. Sure, this story keeps getting better." April noticed the projector was off and saw the panicking rat "Splints?" She asked worriedly.

"The Krang? I have heard that name." Casey nodded. "Powerful, barbaric, creatures worshipped by the Foot clan. Legend says they came from the stars. Ruthless, unmerciful with one desire, to enslave our world like so many before us. All seemed lost, until great mystic warriors forged a mighty weapon. A key that was used to lock them in a prison dimension beyond this realm. Over the centuries, the mystic key remained hidden to protect humankind and prevent the return of the Kraang."


"Future boy is really from the future?" April said as everyone stared at Casey.

"Mind..." Mikey put his fingers on his head and made an explosion effect.

"Someone finds the key! Today. They steal it and use it to open a doorway and free the Krang. That's why I came back to find it first. Master Leonardo drew a picture on the back of that photo." Raph looked at the photo."So to stop the krang, all we have to do is find the key before it's stolen." He turned it around and the turtles saw it was the same canister they tried to get.

Everyone glared at Leo, he began to sweat, and it hit him hard. It was his fault for losing the canister. Raph growled in Leo's face.

"What?" Casey didn't know what was going on. Leo began to fiddle with his fingers nervously and walked up to Casey with confidence.

"Yeah, did future, handsome, amazing me tell you what to do in case that already happened?" His confident walls slowly fell apart. "Cause that already happened." He scratched behind his head and his father flicked a popcorn at his head.

Casey's eyes widened in fear. "Oh no... We're too late." He looked at the ground in sorrowful

"No, we're not. We know who has the key. The Foot Clan. Okay team, we gotta find them before they use it. And this time, we do it together." Raph said, mainly to Leo.

Leo began to mock him and everyone began to leave. Leaving Casey behind.

"Can someone untie me now?" He asked.

Gabby head popped up, still with a smile. "Sure." She got up and went over and helped him get up.

"Thanks. Uhm. I don't know you from the future, so I guess this can be a start?" Casey grinned nervously, taking out his hand for a handshake. Gabby looked at him confused, but then after smiled.

"Sure! My names Gabriella, but call me gabs or gabby for short. It's nice meeting you, future boy.." she chuckled, grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"Well, now that we know each other, ready to stop whatever key you've been talking about.."

"Wait! Where your weapon?"

"... I don't use weapons. I'm more of a hand to hand combat girl. But if I need a weapon, I find the most effective thing and then I bash their faces off.. or I blow their faces off..." she said in a dark tone that made Casey shiver.

"Well, we should go..." she turned to start walking and began whistling a small tune. Casey was intrigued by this girl, and he wanted to know more about her. He jogged to go at her pace, and they went into Leo's portal.

ENDLESS LOVE- C.JWhere stories live. Discover now