bad day

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"Maddie, weren't you supposed to be up at 7?" I hear one of my brothers say from behind me.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's 7:25"

I quickly open my eyes and spring out of bed to see Nick shuffling by my door.

"Get out I need to change!"

"Okay, i can make you breakfast?"

"It's fine, i'll just eat toast"

"I'll go make that for you, okay?"

"Okay, thank you!"

I quickly get dressed in a black dress and throw on a jacket over it. I was getting interviewed for my first job today and my meeting was at 9:00. It takes me a while to get there. I tossed my hair up in a low and loose ponytail, put some deodorant, perfume, and mascara on, and my shoes.

As i'm going down the stairs, I encounter my other two brothers.

"Move!" I say, lightly pushing Chris out of the way as he's leaning on the doorway of the stairs.

Nick tosses me my toast and it falls right on my sleeve.

"I'm so sorry!!"

"No no it's okay!"

I quickly wipe it off with a paper towel and toss it in the trash on my way out. I start up the car and I can already tell that traffic is heavy. I mean, if I didn't get this job, I'd be extremely sad and this is my first time applying for my first job without anxiety getting in the way. I wanted to be a (whatever you wanna be) since i was 7 and im now 18. By this time, it was 7:45 and it takes at least half an hour to get there. My expected time of arrival was 9:15.

"Fucking great." I say as I see upcoming traffic.

I get a text message from the manager.

"It's 8:00! Remember we have a meeting at 9"

"I'm stuck in traffic, it's horrible. So sorry if i'm late."

There was no way that i was gonna make it and i was already panicking. Before I knew it, I was having an anxiety attack while driving. My hands were sweaty and I couldn't grip the steering wheel, I was extremely tense, and I was already having a horrible day. I pulled over to the right and called Matt.


"H-hey it's m-m-me, Maddie"

"Hey Maddie what's up?"

"I'm having an anxiety attack, i'm pulled over though but I'm having a horrible day and I'm just gonna forget about this meeting."

"Okay I have your location, I'm gonna be on my way in 2"

"T-thank you" I say, my voice breaking.

I get out of my car and hop in the back, grabbing a change of clothes. I run to the nearest gas station and ask to use the bathroom. Soon, I come out in sweatpants and Matt's T-shirt that he gave me like 2 months ago. I go back out to my car and sit in the drivers seat until Matt gets here. I see Nick in the passenger seat which means Chris is at home. (Pretend they can all drive)

Nick gets out and sits in the drivers seat and drives the car back home as Matt comes up
to my car and opens the door.

"Hey it's okay!" He says, holding me as I'm literally bawling in his shoulder.

I get in the passenger seat and he's in the drivers seat of course. I'm holding his hand while trying to calm my breathing down.

"You're gonna be okay, you can try again some other day Maddie."


We get home and the boys all comfort me. We're all wrapped up in a blanket, eating popcorn, drinking pepsi (Chris), root beer (Matt), flavored water (me), and dr. pepper (Nick). An hour later, I found myself falling asleep and leaning towards the side of Matt's shoulder. I'm so grateful to have these amazing brothers in my life every day.

WC - 657

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