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When I was 15 years old, I was diagnosed with POTS.  (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). That means I have low blood pressure when I stand up after a long duration of sitting or laying down. I'm now 17 years old and my 19 year old brothers are sitting in the living room, watching a movie.

"Michayah, can you get me a pepsi?" I hear Chris say from downstairs since i'm in my room.

"You're closer, why don't you get it?"

"I'm too tired"


I walk downstairs and grab a pepsi and throw it at Chris.

"Careful goof"

I was halfway upstairs when Matt wanted a root beer. So I go back to the fridge and nicely hand the root beer to Matt, then ask Nick if he wanted anything.

"Yeah I want a dr pepper"

"And popcorn!" Chris says.


I throw the dr pepper at Nick then toss a popcorn bag in the microwave.

I lean up against the counter and wait for the bag to finish popping. Once it's done, I dump it in the bowl and set it on the table in front of them. I run upstairs and lay back down on my bed. I decided to take a nap but before that, I read my clock. 3:23P.M.

I close my eyes and i'm quickly sound asleep. 3 hours later and i'm up again. 6:12P.M. I get a cramp in my lower stomach so I run to the bathroom. It turns out I really had to go to the bathroom, that bad.

Since I stood up to rush to use the bathroom, I got very lightheaded. I thought maybe I'd just have black spots going in and out with some head pain. When I realize that my vision is going in and out, I run downstairs to find my brothers. Nick is leaning up against the counter looking at his phone, Chris is playing games on the TV, and Matt is sitting at the counter, scrolling through Instagram on his phone.

"Nick, Matt!" I say, completely out of breath.

The 2 of them quickly look up to see me gasping for air.

"I think I'm gonna.."

Nick's POV:

As i'm leaning up against the counter, playing a game, I hear very loud footsteps upstairs coming from Michayah. I look at Matt and ask him what's going on up there.

"it's probably nothing, who knows what she does up there"


A quick couple seconds later, Michayah comes sprinting down the stairs and looks at us with a pale and out of breath look.

"Nick, Matt!" She says, sounding very out of breath.

Matt and I look at her and she's wobbling from side to side. She breaks the silence by saying that she feels like she's gonna pass out. She indeed did before she could finish her sentence.

"Holy shit!" Matt says dropping his phone and running around the island to get to Michayah.

Matt's intensely shaking her as Chris comes running in.

"What the fuck happened?" He immediately says after looking at his little sister on the ground.

"She passed out, go get a wet wash rag." I say.

Chris later comes back and places the rag on Michayah's forehead, Matt's rubbing her back, trying to wake her up, and I walk over to the fridge to grab a water bottle.

"Good morning." Chris says.

I hear Michayah heavily breathing followed by Matt telling her to calm down and that's she's okay.

"You passed out, you'll be okay." I say.

Michayah nods her head and we help her up and lay her on the couch along with putting in a movie.

WC - 613

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