Hello and Goodbye

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⚠️ Warning! Spoiler alert! Death of a family! This part broke my soul.

At one table, all three cats were devouring the fish Francis cooked. Yet, Francis is still upset with Bluebeard.

"Funny, first you were against me getting involved. Then you start to accept my help. And then you go and withhold important evidence?"

(Didn't think it was that important.) replied Bluebeard, but his words came out muffled from the fish in his mouth.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Shit. The sect is harmless. A pastime! A cheap thrill or two to see who's chicken and who ain't. It's all bull shit anyway!"

"That's not what I'd called it right Rocky?" he nodded in agreement.

"The Sect has been going for fifty years. Heck, Joker was a kid when it started. Now he's teaching the gospel of Claudanus as its high priest. The peacock's attracted quite the following since then too. That's all."

"After that warm greeting he gave me, I guess that only applies to the neighborhood residents?" said Rocky.

"He has his moments. But I promise, the sect is harmless. No one knows who Claudandus was or if he even existed. Now, may I finish eating?"

"Yeah, yeah, eat. And then take me to this 'clever bastard' you mentioned."

The only response she got was happy chewing from the old man. "For a smartass, you can cook a mean fish!"

"I learned from the best. Hopefully, they aren't too worried about my absence."

"You did call them," Uttered Rocky.

"Oui, but you know my family, they worry, and with good reason. Still, I find it strange that Granny never mentioned the sect."

"Do you happen to know anything about that Captain?" asked Rocky.

"Great another smartass." he sighed. "No. I don't. Like Joker said she's not a member or a resident. She probably thinks it's bullshit too."

"You may have a point. Still what about the deal Joker mentioned?"

"Ask your granny. All I recall that day was Joker volunteering us to help with the repairs and as you can see only a few rooms were renovated."

"Hey yeah. Why is that Frankie?" Rocky asked. "I know you said your parents could only afford to pay for a few but why haven't the rest of your clan tried to fix the rest?"

Francis shrugged, "Never came up. Plus, it never presented a problem before, the path to the attic is usually closed off from customers." Then she had another thought.

"Bluebeard, what can you tell us about the church?"

"Not that different from other churches. There are picnics, weddings, funerals, and charity events. All that helping your fellow man spiel."

"Huh. If it wasn't for the electrical game of chicken one might assume it was a normal church."

"Exactly. Though, unlike numerous churches, the sect permits bums to use the temple as a rest stop."

"Some churches have done that."

"Year-round? And do they also allow prostitutes, immigrants, single parents, and other misfits, to join their congregation?" Bluebeard ranted leaving the two silent. "Didn't think so."

"I thought you said it was bullshit."

"The story of Claudius is BS. The other stuff well that's different sides it's nice to have a community that tolerates you."

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