Chapter 19: Shell shocked part 3

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Thyra's pov

Toothless softly growls at my pacing brother.  He doesn't pay any mind to it and keeps pacing around, his hands on his back. It's his thinking state. And he seems to have some trouble with it. I bet my stare-down isn't helping him concentrate much, but I don't care. 

Part of me fears that he might be gone if I blink. The other part of me doesn't even want to glance at him and bring up memories. It's very conflicting. 

Luckily, Tuff is excellent at creating distractions. 'Y'know, he'd actually be pretty fun to hang with, I mean, if he weren't trying to kill us all the time.' 

I turn around and raise my eyebrow. I don't see how they'd think my brother could be fun to hang out with. I'd say it would be either boring or annoying, unless I'm the one annoying him... On second thought, I understand why they'd feel like it would be fun. I love bothering him too.

'You gotta love the way he talks.' Ruff elaborates. She then proceeds to imitate it. 'Hiccup, I'm afraid our time together has come to an end. I must now kill you if you have no objections.'

'Like he's not gonna have objections.' Tuff snickers. 'And then I'll go: All of your Dragon Riders must also go. With my sincerest apologies.'

I snicker. 'You know Tuff, I'd actually see him doing that.'

Tuffnut grins widely. Viggo suddenly stops pacing around and stares at me with a shocked expression, clearly not agreeing with my comparison of him and the twins. 

Fishlegs sighs and turns to Hiccup. 'I'm with Astrid. This is all just one big game to him Hiccup.'

Astrid nods. 'Ryker is coming to try to wipe us all out along with his brother' -She gives a quick glance at me. I'm not sure if it is to see if I agree, or if she thinks I have trouble speaking of Ryker- 'Are we really gonna take any chances with Viggo here?'

Hiccup sighs and looks at Viggo again, who is silently following the conversation. Then he looks at me.

'Thyra, out of everyone here, you probably have the most accurate view of the situation. You know him best, what do you think?'

I look at Viggo. He doesn't know he does it, but he starts to rub his thumb over his palm behind his back when he's nervous. And he's nervous now. I sigh.

'Well, I'm sure that Ryker is the one who attacked. The style was just a bit too aggressive and effective. Viggo would have somehow taunted you about this.' Viggo looks at me with a scolding glare, like he wouldn't actually do it. 'Viggo isn't in on this, he would never let you see him beat up, his ego is too big for that Hiccup.' Now he actually gasps.

'Point is, Viggo and Ryker are enemies now more than ever. It will do him no good if he'd attack us now. I think he needs us Hiccup, otherwise he would have recovered first and got an army before coming to you.'

Viggo nods. 'See, you can trust me Hiccup.'

I shake my head and narrow my eyes at him. 'I didn't say that. I just said you won't attack us now.' I look at Hiccup. 'The worst thing that can happen is that he is using us to get rid of Ryker, but he's not endangering us until Ryker is gone.'

'But he's probably still manipulating us.'

I bite my lip a bit hesitantly. 'Probably.' I admit.

Not much later, Viggo is being locked away in a cell. I guess Hiccup decided not to trust him. which makes sense, I think none of us fully trust Viggo, and none of us want to worry about him.

'Hiccup, you must reconsider!' Viggo tries, but Hiccup closes the door.

'Viggo, I'm sorry. There's just too much bad blood for us to trust that you'll do anything but try to, well you know.' 

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