Chapter 10: Dire Straits

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Thyra's pov

I gasp for air and fly up, gripping my stomach in the process. 'Owww, Midnight!'

I'm ready to scold her for jumping on me when I notice the look of distress in her eyes. She jumps on the bed and on the ground, moving through my hut and then roaring. Something is off.

I jump out of my bed and quickly put my shoes on while running outside. Before I can do anything, Midnight picks me up and flies up with me in her claws. 

I yelp in shock. 'Midnight! What in Thor's name is wrong with you!?'

She roars again and continues to fly higher, not even bothering to let me ride on her back. I grip her paw and try to climb up myself but I freeze in my movements when I notice what's coming. An entire fleet is coming towards the island.

My face pales. I suddenly realize how stupid I have been, I thought Viggo didn't know where I was, there was no way he would find me, there was no way he could know the Submaripper was part of the defense system... Yet he did. He tricked me into it, and I fell for his tricks.

There is no defense now, the fleet will be able to come to the island without any trouble, well, I could trouble them, but I don't want to risk it.

'Get me down, I need to warn the dragons. We're going into plan camouflage.'

Midnight immediately dives down and drops me on the ground, I keep running towards the lake while Midnight flies to warn Storm. 

'HOTHEAD....!' I yell over the water. 'HOTHEAD!'

His head suddenly surfaces. I sigh in relieve. 'I need you to find all the water dragons and take them deep down okay? There are hunters coming, I want you guys to stay safe.'

Hothead softly nudges my shoulder with his nose. I gently push him away. 'It's going to be okay, I'm gonna fix this. I'll be back, I don't know when, but I promise to come back for you guys okay?'

He finally dives down again. I feel the adrenaline rush through me, I could hit myself. How could I be so stupid!? But I don't have time, I'll scold myself later. Now I have to keep the dragons I promised a safe place safe.

I whistle for Midnight while running to the edge of the island. Halfway there I get picked up, this time Midnight does throw me and catches me on her back. I almost slip off because I didn't have time to put her saddle on but I luckily steady myself in time.

'I want to talk to him, but I understand if you don't want to go down there.'

Midnight slaps me with her ear, like I shouldn't suggest such a silly thing. Of course she'll have my back, no matter how dangerous. I hug her tightly and sit up again. 'Alright then, let's go.'

We fly fast and high, looking over the fleet until we find the right ship. Viggo is standing at the higher part of the ship, looking down at all his hunters. He doesn't look at me, but I know that he knows I'm there. 

He's a hunter, of course he knows it when a dragon flies behind his ships, especially if he's on the look for it.

I fly a short circle around the ship but when the few hunters that notice me don't shoot I think it's safe enough to land. Midnight swiftly lands behind Viggo and I jump off her. I'm angry, no, I'm mad, I'm pissed, hurt.

'What in Odin's name do you think you're doing!'

Viggo doesn't turn around. He doesn't even answer at all. I narrow my eyes and walk towards him, turning him around by his shoulder. He quickly grabs my wrist in an iron grip. 

'It's easy. I've let this nonsense go on for long enough now.' He states calmly. Too calm. I get uneasy and try to move away but his grip is just too strong. I guess I never really realized how much stronger he is since I never had to fight him physically.

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