Chapter 17: Shell shocked part 1

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Thyra's POV

'Okay, so, we fly in with the cover of the night. As soon as everyone is ready, Gustav will fly low to the ship and hide there.' I point at a specific point of the map Hiccup and I created. 'If you time it right, the patrol should come across you and you can just pull the hunter in the water without being spotted.'

Hiccup now points at the next part of the map. 'And Spitelout will swipe in and catch the guard that is now coming to see what's going on.' He then points to another part of the map. 'Meanwhile, Dagur will create a trap here.'

'But, that's in the open! They'll see me.'

I smirk. 'I'm counting on that, there is a one-guard patrol there, Heather can easily take him out and you'll just serve as bait.'

'Hmmm, so the trapper's trap is going to trap the trapper!' Dagur smirks. I look at Hiccup who just shrugs. I nod, giving up on trying to understand Dagur, and point at the next spot. 'And this is where Snotlout will come in, there is a three-hunter patrol and you'll be covered by the rocks, therefore Hookfang can set himself on fire to scare the guards without being spotted from far away.'

'Then Meatlug and Fishlegs will knock them out while the twins fly through this cave-' Hiccup points at the cave. '- and fill it with gas to create a giant explosion.'

'YES!' The twins cheer. Always eager for explosions.

Hiccup continues and points at the center, right before Viggo's base. 'Ryker will be waiting here, and you can distract him, Dad. That will give Gobber the time to land on him.'

'I like that idea.' Stoick grumbles. Gobber just smirks, already enjoying the thought of sitting on my weak excuse of a brother.

I point at Viggo's tent. 'Then we'll finally get there. Viggo's tent. He'll have no guys left to defend him and we can lock him up.'

'The dragon eye will be there too, I'll take that before Viggo can do anything.' Hiccup finishes the plan with a smirk.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa....' Tuffnut crosses his arms. 'Really? "I'll take that?"?! Seriously, that's the best you can come up with. This is your moment, H. Books will be written about it. Children will act it out. Some adults will act it out, but it won't be as cute as the children. You need a killer catchphrase. One line that will withstand the test of time. As the sands and the ocean pass, your words will remain. I mean, you've just defeated one of the toughest, most ruthless villain in the world.' 

I stare at him. What? Is he- Is he seriously talking about this right now?

'Who let's face it, everyone thought was smarter than you.' Ruffnut says.

I glare at them. 'Seriously?'

'Really? Everyone?' Hiccup asks.

'Well you know, there's no hard data, but if you had to guess...' Tuffnut trails off. 

Hiccup groans. 'Ok, I'll tell you what, I'll work on something cool to say when I take him down. Happy?'

'Ah, ah, ah. Au contraire, mon frère.-' Wait, does Tuff speak French? I didn't know that. '-We will work on something better for you to say to him when we take him down. Trust us, we gotcha. It should be something with a growl, and, I mean, like...'

And no one listens to him anymore. We all zone out and walk out of the great hall. I'm happy with the plan we made. We've been working on it for months now. I'm still wondering what Project Shellfire is exactly but think I'll just ask Viggo once we capture him. He probably won't answer straight away but I'll figure something out.

'Now that's what I call a plan!'

Stoick beams, suddenly wrapping his arm around me and Hiccup from behind us and pulling us into his side. It's an awkward hug and I quickly try to get out, I notice Hiccup also trying to get out. Stoick doesn't notice and looks down at us with pride.

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