Chapter 15: Twintuition

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Thyra's POV

I sigh, relax, and lean back, letting the warm sun rays cover my face. The sun is about to sink down but it's still nice and warm. The trip to the island was worth it. Storm kind of took over, I think, and the Submaripper is living his free life somewhere else. Everything seemed to be alright.

So now I can go back to the edge with a good feeling that everything is okay, I can go back to my friends and help them and their dragons. Thinking about them...

I gently point Midnight down where I see two very familiar heads. We start to fly beside Barf and Belch, who look very distressed. They keep snarling at each other and then look down.

'Hey!' I whistle. 'Guys, look at me, where are the twins?'

They roar angrily. I'm shocked, so is Midnight. She flies a little further away from them just to be sure and they seem to understand the mistake. A look of guilt crosses their eyes.

'Hey, are they in dang-'

Before I can finish, I can see what's beneath the clouds. Three ships are in the ocean beneath us, Barf and Belch are following them.

'Please tell me the twins are not there.'

Barf and Belch just look at each other and then at the ship. Ugh, great! Note the sarcasm. I sigh. 'Alright Midnight, I guess we aren't going to the edge after all.'

If this is some stupid prank and they are not in danger I'm going to kill the twins myself, but it can't hurt to see what Viggo is up to. We follow the tiny fleet for a while and then an island finally comes into sight. Viggo's island...

I know that's the destination of these ships so I fly ahead and enter the island unseen, trusting that Barf and Belch can find their own way in. Their riders might be muttonheads but the dragon isn't always as much of an idiot as they seem.

I tell Midnight to wait and walk into the nearest tent I see, there I steal a hunter outfit, which easily fits over my own outfit, and I enter the camp like I belong.

'My fellow hunters-'

I freeze at the voice of none other than Viggo Grimborn. He's standing at the edge of the pit we're all in. Of course he needs to stand above us.

'In the very near future, the dragon riders will be but a distant memory.'

Everyone cheers and I cheer with them, just to fit in.

'However-' Viggo continues. '-Time is unfortunately not on our side. Thus it is imperative that we complete project Shellfire in a timely manner. Only then will we reclaim the seas and shores that by all right belong to us!'

I feel sick. The worst thing is that I know I would have stood beside him if I had never met Midnight. I would have agreed with him, because that's how we were raised. Father made us believe we were all powerful and we deserved everything, well, Viggo and Ryker. He never liked me.

Ryker sends everyone back to work and I notice two hunters staying a bit behind. Well, hunters... The twins, better said. The only thing they did is get a helmet to kind of hide their face. I shake my head, cross my arms and walk towards them.

'Bite your tongue, noting is bigger than Macey!' Tuffnut says. He then sees a mace. 'MACEY!?'

I quickly step in front of him so he can't go after the hunter with a mace. Tuff yelps. 

'AAhhrg, uhh, hello there my fellow hunter! Nice to see you here hunting with us hunters, doing hunter things like us hunters do!'

I roll my eyes. 'How are you able to lie to Hiccup so often but be so terrible at infiltration?' I see their clueless and shocked expressions and remove my mask.

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