Chapter 7: And the story begins

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Thyra pov

I watch curiously how Hiccup is working on Toothless' tail. It doesn't take him long and it's clear that he's used to making new tails. It's similar to what I had in mind, in my case I would have most likely taken longer to add some gears, since I don't fly Toothless he would have been able to fly himself. With Hiccup, he doesn't need to, and we don't really have the time to work on a new tail.

They have their own things they need to do and I have mine, I lived alone for a long time and I did it for a reason. I don't want them to stay here.

Hiccup suddenly turns around with a grin, holding the tail up in front of himself to show me and Toothless. Toothless sniffs the tail and nods in approval. He watches Hiccup applying the tailfin to his tail with almost no curiosity like it's the most normal thing in the world. It most likely is to him.

Hiccup attaches it to the saddle and walks towards the saddle. 'Alright bud, let's test it.'

He mounts Toothless and they dash off almost immediately. My eyes widen a little at the speed. Midnight is fast and agile, I have never seen a dragon (with exception of Storm) that came close to her maximum speed. Toothless seems like he would be able to beat her.

He and Hiccup fly like they are one, they obviously fly much together for it seems like they have been doing this since they were born.

I frown when Hiccup flies back toward me. Why isn't he leaving? Why aren't the others following him?

Hiccup lands in front of me and Astrid immediately run past me toward him. 'It worked! You did it Hiccup!'

The others cheer too. Weird, isn't this normal? Didn't Hiccup fix that tailfin more often? Whatever, as long as they leave I'm good with it.

The other riders mount their dragons too, finally! But then Hiccup and Toothless walk closer to me. He leans over the saddle with a smirk. 'You know, you could just come with us.'

I glare at him. 'Leave.'

He looks unfazed and stares at me with.... sympathy?

'Look, living alone can get lonely Thyra. Heather lived alone too and now she's with us. I can safely say that it worked out just as well, maybe even better.' He looks over his shoulder at Heather, who smiles and nods. 'You don't have to be alone, just come with us.'

I shake my head. 'I'm not alone Hiccup, I have Midnight, Storm, I have dragons here and they are enough. It's a kind offer but I don't need your help.'

'Well, maybe you don't need ours, but we could definitely use your help.'

I don't say anything to that. Hiccup understands the answer and nods. 'Alright, we'll leave.'

He sighs and smiles at me before patting Toothless and flying up. the others soon follow him and I watch them leave.

I sigh and shake my head. If I had known that winning a bet from my brother and taking a Night Fury would cause me this much trouble I would have just stayed away or chosen another dragon.

--------- Time skip (3 days)

I walk to the stables with a big bucket of fish once again. 'Sto-orm...' I throw a fish in the air and he happily catches it. 'Look what I got you, how are you feeling today buddy? Is your wing doing better?'

Storm roars happily and flaps his wing a little. While he eats, I gently touch it. The splint seemed to have done its job pretty well. The bones feel like they are back in place and most likely healed pretty much since Storm can move his wing again. I don't think he's ready to fly again, and because of that also unable to fish, which is why I keep him in the stables and bring him fish.

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