~Chapter Five~

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~Jackson's Point of View ~

I stared into her sweet blue eyes and couldn't help but admire her blonde hair and slight tan. God she's beautiful.. and she's mine. I knew the minute I walked into that party that I had finally found my mate.

I could feel my hands clench into tight fist every time I thought of that sleazeball touching my mate that night. It took everything in me not to tear his arms off and instead just pretend she was with me.

She should have been with me. I mean she was my mate! Mine! But no, she was with Josh, her 'boyfriend'...some boyfriend he was. I could literally smell the other girls on him. He didn't deserve Violet, but she didn't see that.

Like now, he's left her here in the lunch room, (probably to go hook up with some girl) and she's worried about his well being. Well actually, right now Violet's glaring at me for calling her precious boyfriend a douche...

"Excuse me?! You don't even know him!"

"I know enough to know he doesn't deserve you."

"What are you even talking about josh is an excellent boyfriend." I clench my jaw at the fact that she's defending that bastard.

"Is that so? Then why would he leave his girlfriend unprotected at a party. Where was he when that guy practically attacked you?"

She dropped her eyes to the table and mumbled "He just had to take care of something."

I couldn't help the snort that followed her answer. Yeah 'take care of something' alright.

"Something so important he just had to leave you all alone at a strangers party, right." I couldn't help the sarcasm in that statement either. "What about right now huh? Shouldn't he be sitting here or at least given you an explanation?.. But no he just ran off, leaving you here alone..again. Yeah, someone should give him the best boyfriend award." I knew my eyes were starting to change color as I became more and more angry and my wolf tried to push forward.

"Calm down man, I know she's your mate and all but you're going to freak her out." I hear Travis's voice through the mind link, and I take a few deep breaths.

"Why does it even matter to you, you don't know me from Eve so why do you even care?" Violet asks me with narrowed eyes.

"Because no one should be treated like that, and like I said you deserve better." I repeat as calmly as I can at the moment.

"Oh yeah, like who?" Is it weird that I find her sarcasm hot?..

The bell goes off signaling the end of lunch and everyone at the table scatters awkwardly, but just before violet scurries off I catch her wrist. She turns to me with a look of slight confusion.

"Me." I answer her question before turning and walking away, leaving her standing there shocked.


Hello my precious readers,
Here is chapter five! I tried it in Jackson's point of view, so let me know how you feel about that. I think it turned out pretty good. Anyways I would like to say that you guys are simply amazing and I love y'all!! You guys are more than welcome to message me or give me your opinions and I will try to reply and answer. Please vote and comment!

Love y'all Xoxoxo.

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