Rescuing Luis

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You stare at the mine cart, "Absolutely not again...." You cross your arms, "There has to be another way."

Luis shakes his head, "sorry, seniorita. This is the only way." He hops into the cart.

Leon shrugs and you glare before getting in the cart. Leon pushes you guys and then hops in. You don't enjoy the thrill ride as you guys head through the tunnels. Leon shooting the dudes in the other carts again. "Look, this is where they dug up the bugs." Luis points out as you go around a bend.

You shiver at the huge hanging hives. Nothing but nightmares. "Get the break!" Leon yells as you guys head towards a broken part of the track. Luis pulls on it but, it BREAKS OFF. That's it, this is the end. "We're gonna have to jump!" Leon yells before grabbing you around your waist and jumping out of the cart as you fly through the air. You scream as you land, Leon rolling and taking the brunt of the impact. You lay there as Leon quickly gets up to help Luis up from hanging off the edge.

"You okay?" Leon looks down at you as he crouches beside you.

You stare at both of them, "Well, physically, I'm hurting, mentally, broken, and emotionally? Pissed!"

Leon smiles and helps you up, "so you're doing great. Wonderful." You glare before shaking your head.

Luis smiles, "Good news, this works! We just have to get on the lift."

The wood in front of you breaks, you sigh deeply, "Give us a break..."

Leon shrugs, "We can circle around."

You hop down after the boys and follow them closely as they kill the bugs while you gather supplies. You head to close to one that's camouflaged and scream as you dodge past it and run back to Leon and Luis, "I FUCKING HATE BUGS!"

Leon quickly shoots it dead and Luis nods, "Gotta be careful they can camouflage." You give him a look.

"No shit Sherlock! I figured that out!" You grumble as you get on the lift with Leon and Luis.

You lean against the wall, Luis copying you on the opposite wall. Leon stands with his arms cross. "Whew, I'm beat, makes you appreciate tech like this." Luis rolls his neck.

You nod in agreement. "I don't get you," Leon starts, "why risk your life to help us? You don't know us." You keep your mouth shut because, technically Leon barely knows you and Ashley and yet he's helping. Though you suppose it's his job.

"I told you, it makes me feel better." Luis says sadly.

"Be straight with me for once." Leon gives him an annoyed look.

Luis sighs before saying, "Los Illuminados... I was working for them." You gape at the man.

"See? That's better." Leon nods happy to be getting answers. You close your mouth.

"Helping the three of you, well... It doesn't make up for it. I know that. But still I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

Leon nods, "Then you better get serious."

You nod, "but keep up the wit it keeps me sane yknow?" Leon shoots you a look and you shrug at him. Luis smiles.

"Well, harsh words for a squire." Luis quips and you smile as the lift stops opens. Luis heads out first, "Finally, out of that hellhole! And the fresh air is calling our names! Because, if we made it all this way, it means we're almost-" he doesn't finish as you tackle him, feeling the slight stink of the knife brush your arm as you hit the ground. The knife that was about to impale your new friend clatters on the floor.

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