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Walking along the path outside of campus, Ashley Graham and her best friend, Y/N, smiled as the leaves gently fell.

"I'm so glad classes are finally done. " Ashley said as she leans into you. You chuckled and patted her head.
"There there little Ash, you survived such a harrowing day of grueling lectures."

Ashley side eyed you before rolling her eyes and straightening. "You're such a bitch!" You chuckle and smile innocently at her, making her laugh. She stretches her arms and then indicates with her head, "Who's he?"
You look up and a blonde man with a red beret and muscles bigger than trees stands a few feet away. You shrug, "No idea, but he's..." You trail off and look behind you and Ashley, "Where did your guards go?"

Ashley quickly glances back and then stops, pulling you to a stop with her arm that's laced with yours, "I don't know but... The guys gone... Let's keep..." You watch in horror as the guy knocks Ashley out before quickly approaching you, before you can even scream darkness has enveloped you completely.


You wake with a jerk and look around frantically, but all you can see is darkness still. Blinking quickly your eyes slowly adjust enough to make out the wood boards surrounding you. Taking a deep breath in you blink some more and see Ashley laying besides you tied up as you are, but she is still out.

"I've got her, control your beast so I can cross the lake without becoming fish food." You glance toward the speaker as he paces a few feet away talking on a radio. It's the man you saw before blacking out. Keeping your breathing even you assess the situation, we've just been kidnapped and it looks like we're in a boat house.

You don't know anything beyond that, panic starts to rise inside your body, but you quickly take some deep breaths, we can't panic right now... Pushing the feelings deep deep down you take more deep breaths before letting out a silent squeak when the man leans over you, "You're already awake?" He tsks, "Guess I didn't apply enough pressure."

"Wait-" But you're cut off as you're once again swallowed in the darkness.


When once again you open your eyes blurrily all you see is the back of orange and yellow. "ugh!" You roll onto your back noticing your hands are free. Sitting up you look around and see stone walls and a wooden door. A window spans one of the walls, shutters cover the opening to keep the air out. You quickly crawl over to Ashley and gently Pat her cheeks, "Ash! ASH!"

With a groan your best friend blinks at you as she wakes up, "Where-?" She sits straight up quickly and looks around "Where-the-Hell are we?" She rubs her eyes and you shrug.

"I don't Know, all I remember is the man and getting knocked out... Twice, I woke up once before we crossed some lake..." You supply as you rub your sore head.

Ashley wimpers slightly and stands up slowly and stumbles to the window, you follow slowly behind. When she gets the shutters opened all you can see are some mountains and what looks to be some sort of village in the distance. Ashley stumbles back and sits down hard as tears start to well up.

Leaning out the window you look at the 2 story drop, and then up at what looks like a church's spire. "I think we're in a church... But I don't know where because I've definitely never seen mountains like these in Washington..." You turn around as Ashley starts to sob.

Rushing over to your best friend as you fight back tears yourself you hug her, "Oh Ash... It'll be okay, I'm sure your fathers already sent a team of men to come get you." You rub her back as she sobs.

"I'm so sorry Y/N..." She chokes on whatever else she was going to say.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault, well it's probably because of your dad, but still you didn't kidnap me, the dude with the tree trunks for arms, with that ugly ass beret did." You say jokingly earning a weak chuckle from Ashley. "I'm glad they took me, I'd hate if you had to be here alone. Besides, who's the better one with self defense and a cool head?"

Ashley rolls her eyes and lightly punches you, "Yeah yeah, but basic self defense isn't going to do much right now so your argument is stupid."

You gasp in mock indignation, "I'll have you know that I beat Bobby Lun in hand to hand in my self defense class!"

Ashley gives you a deadpan look, "Bobby Lun could be defeated with a small wind." Letting out a chuckle you smile at her and sigh, "Damn, I thought I was pretty good."

Ashley chuckles and leans her head on your shoulder, "You're the best but I don't think you alone can get us out of here, who knows who's taken us, and what type of people they employ. Let's just hope whatever they have planned it's a ransom and we can get out of here."

Nodding you sigh and cross your legs, "How long do you think it'll take for the agents to get here?"
Ashley shrugs then stands, dusting off her plaid skort, "Let's look around for possible weapons, and next time the people come we can probably knock them out, or at least stun them to let us escape from here, and find a better spot to hide out until we're found."

You look around then nod standing, dusting off your shorts you go the opposite way to Ashley and find some boxes with nothing in them, a small desk in the corner and cobwebs. "Nothing over here." You walk over to Ashley who's got a short candlestick. "Oh nice, we can bash some heads in with that, and then when the others find whoever it is they'll know it was Ashley, in the dungeon with the candlestick."

Ashley snorts and rolls her eyes at you, "Shut up you know it's a good weapon. And it's all we got."
You chuckle and smile, "Yes but you know I have to be a little shit, especially in stressful situations. Humor keeps me from a mental breakdown."

Ashley chuckles. Then shushes you, "Did you hear that?" You listen for a moment and here someone calling 'Ashley! Ashley Graham'

"Friend or foe?" You mumble to Ashley and she shakes her head before positioning herself behind the door, you hide yourself behind her to help her jump whoever it is. Strike first ask questions later is the motto now.

The door slowly opens and a man in his late 20s steps in, his blonde hair hanging in a stylish way looking to damn hot to be anything but suspicious. Ashley swings and you watch, he dodges it before she swings again, this time he catches the candlestick.

"Easy with that!" he says as he gently rips it out of her hand before chucking it. You're stunned for a minute as you stare. Damn.

"Just let us go." Ashley huffs as you slowly sneak towards the open door behind Ashley.
"Listen, my names Leon, I'm here on the presidents orders-" Ashley grabs your arm and you guys run out of the room not paying attention. "That went well." You hear behind you as you follow your friend.

Ashley stops at the big windows making you run into her with a grunt. You look out as well as the guy comes over, "Hey it's dangerous out there." You look over at the man.

"What is that?" Ashley says pointing to the many lights coming towards the church.

PURSUE THEM! Grabbing your head with a wince you see a man in a violet robe booming those words. THE LOST LAMBS ARE ESCAPING. DELIVER UNTO THEM... SALVATION. Snapping out of whatever trance you 3 were in you glance at each other.

"I'm guessing those are a bunch of angry cultists." You say with a frown. Ashley and Leon both look at you with annoyance. Then back out at the incoming mob. This wasn't on my to do list for today.

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