Tentative Cooperation Part 1

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Tora was waiting with the Hayato boss and her father, Raiden when Kase and I arrived on the border between their land and the Llywelyns.' From the trees, Cael observed to ensure nothing nefarious transpired on the mountain lion circle's territory.

I approached them just behind Kase, nodding once to Tora as I did. This would be the third meeting in a month since we spoke at Skins and Needles. What we had discovered from the Hayatos' series of scouting missions and our own sniffing around Nathair borders was that our suspicions seemed to be true. The Nathairs, a circle of reptilian shifters and therefore part of Lycan, were forsaking their own kind and allowing sorcerers to seek shelter on their territory as a stepping stone to get to the Pass. At least, we were almost sure they were allowing it. That's what we had yet to prove before involving the Drakens, but there was definite evidence of magic-use on their land.

"Raiden," Kase nodded once we stood before them. We were meeting in human form today— aside from Cael— as Kase and I were coming from town.

"We have news," Raiden began, wasting no time with pleasantries. I suppose we were still technically rivals after all, despite our common interest.

"That's what we were afraid of," I sighed.

"Tora and I both scouted today," Raiden explained, "and we finally found what might be needed to justify higher involvement. The only issue is, it's our word versus theirs."

"What did you see?" Kase asked. Cael moved closer to the group to listen in, and I noticed that he wasn't alone. Ryanne lurked in the shadows not too far off, her cat eyes glinting when they met mine. She wanted to talk.

"A sorcerer," Raiden spat, "meeting with Thane."

"Shit," I hissed. I already hated the bastard for shooting Charlotte and refusing to work with us in the interest of Lycan, but hearing that he was likely a traitor to shifter kind...

"Did you catch what about?" Kase was clenching his fists, but I knew it wasn't the Hayatos he was angry with.

"Unfortunately not. They were too far away, and we couldn't approach without drawing suspicion."

"We could try and get someone unaffiliated with the circles to get something useful on camera," I suggested. "Get someone from one of the old families to go in under cover."

The old families were non-shifter mafia families in Phoenix that were let in on the secret of the circles long ago. There were only two remaining, and they weren't as large or as relevant as most of the circles, but they knew, and there was a chance they could help.

"There's too high of a chance they would be recognized," Kase said reluctantly. He was right, but I wasn't sure what other option we had.

"There is a chance we could contact other shifter networks to come and aid," Raiden thought aloud, "but it may take too much time."

"It may be our only option at this point." Kase looked deeply pensive, and I wondered what scheme he was cooking up.

"Let us part ways for now," Raiden suggested. "Reach out in whatever directions we can think of on our own, and then meet again in a week's time."

There were nods of agreements, and a parting of ways. I was about to leave the clearing and head back to Kase's car, when I paused as a familiar scent drew near. I turned around to see Ryanne approaching, and leaned against a tree.

"What is it?" I asked as she stalked back and forth.

"Charlotte," she projected, her eyes darting to me once to gauge my reaction. I kept my face stone.

"What about her?" I asked, trying to keep the worry from my voice and just barely succeeding. "Have you found something... concerning?"

"No," she admitted, "but she can be so secretive. I've been watching the area for anyone suspicious, but I hardly know what I am looking for."

"Who is she hiding from?" I asked, frustration edging its way into my tone. Whoever it was could be dangerous, and I couldn't protect her.

"That's not for me to tell," Ryanne said after a moment of thought. "But a few days ago, when we were out having drinks, she just seemed on edge. It took a while to get her to tell me why, like with freaking everything, but finally she said she got a call from an unknown number. You know, one of those that literally says 'unknown' and all."

"Did she answer it?" I really had been doing a stellar job of avoiding Charlotte since the Fourth of July. I'd only wandered her stretch of town a few times, once to pick up Adrian and Macy after their car broke down at a doctor's appointment, and a few other times scouting. And of that, I only actually saw her once from far away as she lugged home five bags of groceries. Even that had been rough, but I stayed away, just watching her until she slipped behind her building. Thinking about her fear as she sobbed next to her broken phone though shot a spike of worry through my veins. I needed to stop having feelings for her, but that didn't mean I wanted her in harm's way.

"No," Ryanne said, and I let out a breath of relief. "She said she ignored it, and it didn't happen again. We were supposed to hang out today, though, and I haven't heard from her yet. I'm sure I'm overreacting. It's not all that unusual for her to ignore her phone while she's working. I just... Ugh. Did she tell you what... what he said on the phone that night I— ah— broke in?"

"No," I murmured. "She never mentioned it." Ryanne was quiet for a moment, and my back stiffened in realization. "Ryanne, what did he say to her? You know, don't you?"

"I do." she paced back and forth a few more times before stopping in front of me. "He said her name, and when she didn't answer he laughed and said, 'I knew I'd find you.' That's when she broke the phone."

"Shit..." I muttered. Whoever this jackass was didn't sound like he was looking for Charlotte for any good reason, and I hated him without even knowing who he was.

"Have you heard from her?" Ryanne asked hopefully.

"I've been avoiding her," I groaned. "I don't want to, but..." I shrugged.

"I wish she knew."

"That makes two of us."

"Not that I want her shagging a scruffy mutt, but... I want her happy, and all things considered, she still sort of..."



We were both silent then, thinking about the crazy redhead that had become somehow important to us both in different ways, until Kase honked his car horn in the distance.

"What's your number?" I asked, laughing when she glared at me sideways. "So you can let me know if you hear from her and vice versa. Jeez. Did I upset the kitty-cat?"

"Oh shut up, hound," she snapped, but gave it to me anyway. "Now git. You're stinking up my forest."

"Noted," I grinned and headed for the car, making sure to bump into a few trees on the way just to piss off Ryanne.

When I returned, Kase held up his phone for me to take, and began driving.

Something was wrong.

"I don't know what the hell you've gotten yourself into," he started as I took the phone, "but you better get yourself out."


As soon as I'm done publishing the next book in my paranormal romance series, this one moves to the top of my list to complete. Aaaaaaa

Happy reading, and stay cool!


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