Returning to Normal Part 2

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"I'm off for the day," I told Kase over the phone as I dressed myself after my scouting shift. "Other than the Llywelyns catching the breach attempt, nothing has happened since two nights ago."

"I'm telling you, I smelled magic yesterday morning," he said into the speaker, and I sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, Kase, but the traces were gone the entire time I was scouting. I swear they're just hiding out in the Nathair's territory. Fucking snakes don't give a shit about Lycan, and they know they'll never get ahead of the other circles without help." I zipped my jeans and began buttoning my shirt with my phone pressed between my head and shoulder.

"Your father suggested this morning that we should get the Drakens involved," Kase told me, and a violent shiver ran down my spine. Not only was my father, who had left Phoenix years ago voicing in on the matter, but he was suggesting we contact them.

"We can't involve them unless we have proof," I reminded him, though I'm sure he'd already come to this conclusion. "All we have is suspicion, some secretive assholes, and three dead sorcerers."

"Then we need to prove it. We need to start scouting the Nathairs' territory in the city first."

"It'll be almost impossible to do that without them finding us, or the Volkov circle breaking every treaty under the sun. If only we could fly."

I heard silence over the line and I realized what he was thinking before he spoke.

"Adrian said there was a big event going on at Skins and Needles today," Kase said, and I felt my stomach twist.

"And?" It had been just under a week since I'd dropped Charlotte off, and I had been carefully avoiding thinking about her since. I say that like I was successful, when I was anything but. She plagued my thoughts, and if I was forced to see her...

"And, there may be members of other circles there for it. If you could find someone from the Hayato circle, bring up the concern on friendly grounds..."

"I don't want a tattoo, Kase," I tried, but deep down I knew he had a good idea.

"Fortunately, Adrian and Ethan do. I know you're just going to suggest they do it so you can avoid Charlotte Andersen, but you're second in command, Arsen. It needs to be you."

"I'm not avoiding her," I muttered, already heading out the front door.

"Are you seeing her, then?" Kase jabbed, and I scowled.

"All right, I have been," I growled. "I just... can't with her."

"It's a shame you haven't found a mate bond with someone who knows."

"I don't have a mate bond with her," I snapped. Right?

"I'm not saying anything, but... Just be careful."

And he hung up.

"Fucker," I hissed under my breath, before shooting Adrian a text asking him to grab me on the way to Skins and Needles. Everything would be fine. I didn't even have to talk to her. I would just hang out while Adrian and Ethan got whatever random tattoos they wanted, and try to talk to any Hayatos that happened in.

"You getting inked today?" Ethan asked from over my shoulder as I hopped in the front seat. He'd allowed me shotgun out of respect, but he was still going to be a pest about it.

"No fucking way," I muttered. Adrian laughed and sped off.

"Even if it's by—"

"Shut the hell up," I grumbled before my brother could finish.

"By who?" Ethan asked from the back. Neither of us answered, but Adrian smirked.

"They're doing cheap as hell flash tattoos today," Adrian informed me as we drove. "They're selling discount gift cards too. Like you pay fifty for the card, and get a hundred toward a tattoo. Great deals."

"I don't want a tattoo," I reminded him. But if I was going to get one, I guess that would be a bargain.

"We'll see," Adrian grinned, and I rolled my eyes. The rest of the drive consisted of Adrian and Ethan discussing what flash tattoos they were considering by scrolling through various artists' social posts advertising them, and me trying to calm my bullshit nerves as I prepared to see Charlotte. Too soon, however, we pulled up outside of Skins and Needles.

Adrian and Ethan jumped out eagerly and headed for the door, but I hung back a little, glancing in the windows of the shop.

I saw her immediately, as if I wasn't allowed to look at anyone else. She was chatting animatedly with one of her shopmates as he tattooed a client while doodling on the cover of her sketch pad. She laughed at something the client said, and showed him a page of her sketchbook filled with little comics. She looked beautiful, her hair thrown up in a high bun that showed off her shoulder tattoos, and her eyes sporting festive makeup. Her full lips were painted navy, and it was hard not to watch them as she spoke and smiled.

Smiled, until I walked into the shop. She was laughing as she glanced toward the door, but her eyes widened and her lips fell when she saw me. She muttered something to her shop mate, and then called to Jeremy to let him know she was stepping out back.


That should have been it. I should have proceeded as planned, but when her scent hit me over everyone else's in the crowded shop, I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid her. Everything about her drew me in, and I had to physically fight not to follow her out back.

"Just go," Adrian told me, and I turned to look at him in surprise.

"I shouldn't." I need to.

"Look, I've never seen you like this," he said, and ran a hand through his hair nervously. "Go. I won't tell Kase."

That surprised me even more, but was the tiny push I needed to elbow through the crowd and slip out back.

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