Part twenty-four

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.... 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 ✵ .˚


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Dear Harry,

I have no idea why i am writing this to you when you are sitting opposite me in this disgusting, old chair. We have been in this stupid tent for months and the atmosphere has changed. We are no longer hopeful that we would find horcruxes everday instead we sit in silence as the days go by.

I've noticed that things have changed between us. Although i have been trying to ignore these feelings i have because falling for you would be the worst thing i could do for both of us i think i am too late. I know that this war is brewing and i feel as though if something bad might happen, so i found my hands writing this letter to you just incase i didn't get to say what i wanted.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not taking your side sooner and I'm sorry for hating you for Voldemort trying to kill my family. I was given the impression that you were the enemy from a young age, but now. I see who is the enemy. I truly do feel as though i have completely fallen in love with you. Just you being besides me gets butterflies rushing through my stomach. I feel excited, nervous and even though i know this war will probably be the death of me i want nothing more but to be with you and fight with you.

I hope you forgives me for everything i have done and i'm convinced this letter makes no sense. I'm blurting out anything that comes to mind incase i forget it and i just want you to know that i don't think i'm going to make it out of this alive. After betraying Voldemort twice and my family i really don't think there is anything that would save me.

I know that you're the chosen one and only you really need to survive out of all of us as bad as that sounds. I've noticed the both of us start to give each other some weird typa attention and i feel like you have began to fall for me too. I know it is selfish. But how can i give up what i want so bad? it's crazy. Falling for Harry potter after everything we have been through. Maybe i am crazy but if something happens to us i just want you to know that i did try.

I never wanted any of this. I just wanted my family back without that snake like bastard living in my house, acting like a creepy stalker. I got the dark mark, which you also have no idea that i have and probably never will know. I don't know where this letter is going but all i know is that i don't know if i'm going to make it out alive.

I also know that my feelings for you have been getting in the way of things. Draco had definitely caught on and probably wants me dead for leaving with you, but i can't blame him. He is probably just as scared as me and is living in constant fear in that house. I don't know but i just wanted to say i'm sorry and i love you.


Harry sniffled as he placed the letter back on the side table. His continuous salty tears trickled down his cheeks, as he glared at her signature on envelop the letter was in.

"Harry" Hermione and Ron spoke walking into the room.

Harry instantly snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at his two best friends who had been with him through everything. With everything going on Harry had completely forgotten to check up on his friends, which made him feel terrible.

"You alright mate" Ron asked.

Harry stared at him for a second with his mouth wide open not even knowing how to answer that question.

"Sorry stupid question. What did she write in that letter?" Ron asked.

"Ron" Hermione frowned.

"It's fine" Harry sighed, looking up at the two with tried tears on his cheeks. "You know how she is she is horrible with words but somehow i understood what she had to say" Harry smiled, remembering what she wrote in the letter.

"Uh we found this" Hermione spoke, handing him the elder wand.

Harry sighed looking at the wand and sighed. He snapped the wand in half throwing it out the window without hesitating.

"Why did you do that!" Ron asked.

"No one else will get their hands on it" Harry sighed.

Hermione walked towards Harry and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Harry closed his eyes, as soon as he felt her touch and let out a deep breath. He pulled away a few seconds later and looked at Ron, seeing his skin pale from what he had just seen.

"We might have defeated Voldemort but she still died for nothing. We could have saved her" Harry spoke.

"What" Ron spoke.

"Harry there was nothing you could have done" Hermione spoke.

"Okay question. Ron if it was Hermione would you not feel the same way" Harry spoke, causing his two friends to exchange looks and go quiet.

Harry backed away from his friends and nodded before leaving the room. He made his way downstairs and to the hogwarts grounds, standing from the pillar and just glared at the sunset.

Tears trickled down his cheeks as he realised there was nothing he could do. The girl he fell for was gone just like everyone else he cared for she had died for him.

"Hello Harry" Said a soft voice from the side.

Harry turned his attention to the side and quickly cleared his tears away, looking at Luna.

"It's a shame what happened to Y/n" She spoke. "She was really lovely"

"Yeah- Yeah she was" Harry sighed. "Everyone keeps saying maybe it was for the best, or that it needed to happen but i have no idea how they can say that. She is dead. She is gone forever"

"Or you could just think of it as if she is on a holiday, or as if she is just gone to her family" Luna spoke, playing with the necklace around her neck.

"And be in denial?" Harry frowned.

Luna looked at Harry with a confused look and nodded. She then looked around and then back at the sunset, smiling widely.

"That's a beautiful sunset" Luna spoke.

"Yeah it is Luna" Harry sighed, furrowing his eyebrows lightly.

"You know she is not really gone" Luna spoke. "You can just look up at the sky and she is there, looking down and making sure you are okay"

"You think so?" Harry asked.

"Knowing Y/n she probably will watch over you"

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