Log 6: Unease

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Log 006



1 more day till school starts

"I sustain myself with the love of family."-Maya Angelou 

It is currently 2'o clock in the morning I tried to get some sleep but that was futile, lately the "dreams" have gotten a lot worse. Originally it was horrifying nightmares of a sea of fire; then just memories of other lives but then I think it has started to shift into my memories well the ones I've forgotten. This one was troubling it was a scene of a birth. It transpired like your average tragedy a single mother gives birth to a child who suffers complications and dies. The mother's heartbroken and leaves never to be heard from again. 

That's right Y'know I was always told my mother died during childbirth, I guess I was the one who did. 

Complications, Complications, Complications

A Man was wearing the mask I saw in the sketch, I knew it looked familiar. He held me then I was alive again; he smelled nice and looked normal just wearing the mask. I'm sure he'll look like every other white tourist if he takes it off. Yet he had an air of sadness almost like he lost something important. 

I hope he finds it again.

Anyways, It seems like I have a busy day ahead of me that letter that suddenly appeared at the step. I don't really want to tell Ma and Pa they're already too involved in whatever this is. It's funny if you had asked me a year ago that all this would happen to me I think childish naivety and wonder would make me look at this in rose-tinted lenses.

Maybe I'll look back on all this and laugh at all the seriousness I face my problems with or scold myself for not being quick or cautious enough.  Either way, I know I'll disappoint myself no matter which path I choose cuz that's just how I am.

Log 6 Finish 


Magic entry 004

I wonder if there is magic that allows it user to teleport things to places. Yesterday I was met with such magic. 

I think going to this meeting will be beneficial for me. Well, magic-wise.

I think that's all for now.

Tata! -A.A.A

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