Chapter 2 pt.1: The First Shadow

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While the young Angel is trying to grasp her new not-life; New Orleans has begun to be infested with unearthly creatures. They lurk in the shadows craving and looking for a chance; an opening to take over some poor mortal's soul. Their First Victim was a man that used to go by Robin Gran former family man and now a junkie who lives in a tent by the public library. He lost his family in a terrible accident where he came to find his home in flames and his wife and child engulf in flames. He lost his job and turned to painkillers and when the prescription ran out. Heroin. It's always easy to kick a man that's already down, but Mr. Robin did not need this. The thing about these creatures is that while they are weak in the standings of mythical creatures they are resilient and no average person can defeat them. They use trauma and desire to funnel themselves into a person's soul where they lie dormant until something or someone evokes a harsh emotion. They are magic parasites that slowly takes over their host's soul to cause chaos an evil in the world. 

Angel the heroine decides to take a trip to the public library with Daniel in tow to read up and study as school is starting soon. She has learned a few things about her new found body and "powers"  and that the more "air" or rather energy she consumes the more human her appearance. Stop Breathing black sclera, red pupils, and a high chance of accidental mutilation. She read through the book she found and learned a lot about rituals and shadow creatures but didn't really take it seriously. That was the last time She scoffed in the face of the impossible.  Daniel is a interesting dog observant and quiet in public so when he noticed the disheveled man  acting confused and strange he chalked it up to some external factor although his danger instincts where blaring loudly. It was none his business he's just dog. That was the last time Daniel ignored his instincts and the last time he was ever a normal dog.

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