Chapter 3: The First Battle pt.2

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Disclaimer: Depictions of Rape and Violence

To kids, adults are the absolute authority. Respect your elders and you'll prosper.  Angel was taught this all her life from Haiti to America. Now she must break her teachings and fight a man old enough to be her dad. A man whose life is now worth the dirt on the bottom of her shoe. A man haunted by a voice that fills his head. A man a victim of misfortune and circumstance.  

To most adults, kids are to be protected and nurtured. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Robin Gran took this to heart while raising his young daughter with his wife. Now he's forced to fight a girl who would have been around the same age as his kid. A girl whose life has fizzled out and is now facing unearthly beings.  A girl whose head is filled with voices. A girl a victim of misfortune and circumstance. 

To Gran, Angel looks like the menacing figure of death. A girl who just took a shank to the stomach and didn't even flinch. A girl who dodged and threw a punch that a few days earlier would have killed him. If it weren't for the childish mannerism her looming figure would have had him confuse her for a grown adult. He didn't know what she came for but he did know that this teenage girl is dangerous. 

  To Angel, Gran looks like the lurking figure in the corner of your room at night. A boogieman. A man who just flew out and stabbed her in the stomach. A man who just sent her dog flying a street over. If it weren't for the skittish movements she would have confused him with a composed and sinister person. She doesn't know his name or his story but she does know that this erratic junkie is dangerous.

Both sides were filled with complete dread and fear until a they heard

a scream.

And everything stood still.

A young tourist woman out  to take in the nightlife of New Orleans about to fall prey to one of the most heinous crimes. Angel knew it Gran knew it. It's a type of scream that many locals heard. When groups of men go out at night looking for young girls to violate. A silent agreement between the two and a pure and unbridled sense of justice  they ran in the direction with Daniel making his way towards it too.  

Met with the scene of 10 men armed with bats and knives. The trio of unearthly standards where met with threats of violence and harm. Daniel was the first to move jumping on the two nearest man and knocking them out cold. Gran was quick to get in a tussle with 3 men with only his fist for weapons. Then there was Angel.

Chaos ensued around me I could barely register what was happening, but what truly scared me was that although it was loud outside. In my head there was only silence. 5 men left with me to deal with. I'm not sure whether or not I was strong enough to handle it, but I knew one thing for sure was that If I don't do something that woman might not survive the night.  That was enough for me. When I was younger I always made sure to dirty my face, cut my hair, and hide my blue eyes. Made sure to dress in boy clothes and tell the traffickers that I was a boy and I had a family. I never knew if my lies would work or not and that was scary. 5 men and 1 girl wasn't a fair fight but after experiencing what happen to me I wasn't scared. 

To the gang of men they were just attacked by a weird looking dog , a figure enveloped in black smoke, and a tall person wearing a skull mask. Bats and knives didn't work on them they barely flinched. Angel raised her hand and the group took a step back unsure of what will happen. Suddenly the group felt a painful shock paired with the words chòk. And it was over. The big bad men defeated and the damsel saved. Police would arrive later on the scene met with a frantic tourist and single note that read: 

To right a wrong is all I did. 

To ferry the shadows is what I do.

Orevwa Pou Kounye a

Lonbraj Chasè

The woman Helen Drab a Metropolis local would later describe the trio as angels sent by God to save her from an unfortunate fate. She described two men in black and a giant wolf that looked like a hellhound as her saviors.

The ten men were charged with varying offences and all were found guilty. 

Angel Augustine was left with a container with a wispy black shadow in it and Robin Gran was slowly fading away.  

He grew to reliant on the parasite so when Angel took out the container while they were making their getaway. Robin knew that it was for the thing inside of him and he knew that he couldn't live like this for long. Robin was left a emaciated man he knew he was going to die. Angel knew that he was going to die. He told the girl his story and she told hers'. Later she'll note this in his file that in his heart Robin Gran was a good person caught in a bad place.  

A note for the sorcerer

To find the hole and repair it.

To close the gap between.

A Young Girl must face 

her past and present

and learn from their mistakes.

Voices in her mind take a hold

sometimes. While heroes

make a way in this world.

Will she stand out? 

Let's hope not. 

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