Chapter 1: Dammit Janet

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Janet Morris is an old woman who lives right next to us she has the peculiar habit of collecting items to are tied to voodoo so she has become a regular at Pa Javier Antiques & Wares and in true witchcraft fashion that is where the knife came from. Let me clarify: Pa, Ma, Daniel, and I live above the shop in a three-bedroom, two-bath sorta deal. Esther and Kanga live in the back of the store in their respective cages. So Janet comes into the shop one day asking to get a knife appraised the story is that it used to belong to an old witch doctor who kicked a bucket. Now personally I don't believe in voodoo or magic but Pa, Janet, and Ma are pretty adamant about it. Apparently, the guy was breaking into everyone's houses on the block took the knife from Janet's house, and stabbed me with it when he got to ours (guess he wasn't expecting anyone at home total shmuck). When I "died" something strange happened there was this group of people 8 men and 7 women. They all looked like different versions of the same person they all looked like me.  I am not a particularly religious person (even though Wonder Woman and ancient gods have been proven to exist) so you can imagine my shock and eventual panic when a group of people start calling the 16th or the Final one and then BAM! back on the kitchen floor.  I don't know if it was shock or anger but I just started cleaning aggressively and that's how Ma found me. A lot of things happened to my body like I didn't need to breathe, drink, or eat I mean I could but I didn't need to. I started hearing the voices of my pets and Sunlight is really harsh on my eyes which has now developed a black sclera. Sometimes when I squint real hard I see ghosts. My body is faster and stronger and there are voices in the back of my head that seem to be giving me advice. I started keeping this stuff in a journal and Pa called Coach so I could skip basketball practice but school gonna start soon and I need to figure out what to do before something goes wrong.

 I started keeping this stuff in a journal and Pa called Coach so I could skip basketball practice but school gonna start soon and I need to figure out what to do before something goes wrong

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