Chapter 4: Who am I?

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16. Angel Augustin - 01/01/1993-12/31/2009 15 F

15. Jack Finnegan- 06/12/1963-01/01/1993 29 M

14. Feng-Hua Huang-04/16/1942-06/12/1963 21 F

13. Mika Soncino-02/20/1933-04/16/1942 9 M

12. Kate Green-10/31/1881-02/20/1933 51 F

Murder, Stroke, Unknown, Murder, and Syphilis.  

Haitian, Irish, Chinese, Jewish-Italian, and English.

Female and Male.

Angel has lived many different lives and has experienced many different things ever since her untimely death. Past visions of Past experiences. She was never the kind to really ponder the value of her existence but due to recent events she's  been experiencing a new phenomena. 

Dying had left a big impact on her and now she was very aware about the fragility of life. She thought about her life before and after and couldn't help but wonder if she'd made any changes to the world after she "Angel" entered it. Had she made any difference in anyone's life? She recognized that her value was not only measured in achievements but rather the changes brought from her actions.

As Angel saw dreams and visions of her past lives, she couldn't help but feel confused. She had always felt like she didn't see the world as "normal" people do. Pa and Ma had told her that when they first met her they felt like I was dissecting them my eyes. Now she was starting to understand why. She had lived many lives before, and each one had been vastly different from the others. An Irish Business' owner with a shifty background, a Chinese Immigrant Factory worker and Carpenter , a young Italian Jewish boy caught in a war, and Older British Women who served under people all her life. With many more lives swimming in the back of her mind.

As she saw these memories, Angel couldn't help but wonder "Who am I?". Was she the sum total of her past , or was there something more to her being? She felt like she was in the middle of an identity crisis, struggling to understand her place in the world. But as she let her mind wander  she started to see that perhaps her identity isn't fixed in place. It was something that's constantly changing and moving, shaped by her experiences, her actions , and her how she faces the world. 

She also realized that her past lives have something to teach her, something that she could use now and not just magic. Charisma, Wisdom, integrity, Strength, and many more traits and skills.   Angel felt a wave of relief wash over her she didn't need to have a fixed sense of being. Instead, she could embrace the fluidity of her state.

Ma and Pa François are a nice old couple that run a business' with their adoptive granddaughter.

As the grandparents and caretakers they worry of the wellbeing of young Angel as her death and revival. Especially last night when she came back and the sun was rising and she and the dog were covered in dirt and blood.  With a shank in her stomach and Daniel all bruised up. Pa was wondering whether or not he should have taught her more and Ma her self was horrified by the scene saying Hail Marys and praying in togues. Both thought they couldn't let this continue. Until they saw the news of a young woman saved from a unsavory fate they realized that Angel has the opportunity to protect and save. 

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