Chapter 16

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The walk back to the camp was difficult. Nathan's feet were now so badly worn that every step was agonising.

"Here" Rory said, noticing his friend's distress "take these".

As the young Irish man removed his own boots and placed them carefully on Nathan, Ben still appeared to be shocked by the revelations.

"So he wanted to have sex? Like he actually tried to do it?"

Nathan nodded, wincing as Rory tied his laces.

"So he's gay then" Ben continued, referring to Bryan.

"Or just a psycho who doesn't care who he's hurting, as long as he's hurting someone" Rory added.

Rory's theory seemed much more likely to Nathan as he was helped back to his feet by the two others.

"Where's Teddy?" He asked, now suddenly aware that he was not present.

"He took Shawn back to camp" Ben told him, taking Nathan's arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah" Rory scoffed "he just couldn't turn down the opportunity to stare at his little pecker".

"Give him a break, dude" Ben said "you know what he's like, he's just got a big heart, that's all"

"A big heart?" Rory sniggered "more like a big boner for Shawn"

Nathan smirked, but he had known Teddy a long time, and Ben was correct. Whilst none of the scouts were particularly cruel, Teddy had always been the kindest.

"Remember the first time Henry showed us how to catch rabbits?" Ben laughed

"He cried for a solid hour" Nathan recalled and the three of them sniggered.

When they finally reached the camp, Nathan felt like he'd been walking for months. His legs ached, his feet burned and he was exhausted, physically and mentally.

"At least he didn't untie him this time" Rory noted, pointing toward a still-bound Shawn who was slumped naked against a tree, snoring loudly.

The campfire had dwindled but the small flames allowed Ben to cook up a quick meal for Nathan.

"I'm spent" Rory yawned, and he certainly looked it "I'll see you guys in the morning".

Nathan and Ben watched as he disappeared inside his and Teddy's tent.

"How are you feeling?" Ben asked, stirring the pot.

Nathan wasn't entirely sure how he was feeling. He was obviously glad to be free once more, but his brain had been overloaded by the events of the day, and night.

He shrugged.

"I should have called all of this off when that shit happened with Shawn" Ben continued, not looking at Nathan. "It was stupid to continue, I put everyone at risk".

"It wasn't your fault" Nathan said, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the whole idea had been a bit outlandish to begin with.

"It was" he smiled sadly "it is".

A silence fell between them and for the first time, Nathan felt a bit of a chill. He was still wearing only the boots that Rory had given him as well as a hoodie of Ben's wrapped around his waist.

"We'll pack up in the morning and head into town" Ben said, stirring once again "with any luck we'll find the bus driver and he'll take us home".

Nathan quite liked the idea, but how would he ever live a normal life again? His brother had watched him being paraded naked whilst men laughed and jeered at him. Radek had turned down his advances and would likely never let him forget it. Bryan had been so close to doing the unthinkable, and had warned Nathan from running away, and yet he'd run away anyway.

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