Chapter 15

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Nathan had no reply. Had he heard Bryan correctly? Had his long-time torturer just confessed his attraction to his victim? But Nathan was more focused on the last words he had spoken. He couldn't have sex with Bryan, there was simply no way that he could allow it. He had toyed with the idea at the beginning, but only as a weapon, a tool to use against Bryan, but not on Bryan's terms, no way.

"I... I can't" Nathan eventually said, his eyes darting toward his brother who didn't appear to be coming to his rescue any time soon.

"I didn't ask" Bryan told him, continuing to stare down at him with the vodka bottle in hand "now we can do it here, or we can go somewhere more private. That part, I'll leave up to you".

An anxiousness that Nathan had never felt before, washed over him as he looked around. What option did he have? Bryan was much larger and much more aggressive than he was, and by the look in his eyes, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Bryan, please" Nathan begged, his eyes pleading, but Bryan downed more vodka and picked up the rope.

"Here it is" he said with a shrug and began pulling the rope so that Nathan had no choice but to crawl toward him.

"No! Wait" He whispered, hoping to buy himself time "not here. Please"

Bryan scanned the camp quickly before dropping the bottle.

"Stand up" he ordered and Nathan got nervously to his feet.

Bryan pushed him forward and the pair of them walked from the camp in silence.

The forest was much eerier at this time of night, with strange noises and long dark shadows casting all around them. Bryan didn't appear bothered, but Nathan certainly was.

"Where are we going?" He asked eventually, but a firm shove into his naked back was the only answer he received.

It became even darker as they walked, until finally Bryan stopped, tugging on the rope so that Nathan stopped too and turned around to see the large silhouette of his tormentor.

Bryan was breathing heavily as he stared at Nathan, and for a moment, only the sound of the creatures around them could be heard.

He pulled the rope and Nathan reluctantly stepped closer and closer to Bryan until he could feel his breath against his forehead.

"Take off my clothes" Bryan said, his voice neither excited nor angry.

A shiver of fear shot through Nathan once more. This wasn't going to be sex, this was going to be a humiliating, degrading series of commands which would ultimately end in rape.

He hesitated for a moment before reaching for Bryan's t-shirt and, standing on his tip-toes, pulled it up and over his head revealing a perfectly chiselled body. Even in the dim moonlight, Nathan could make out each individual ab. He could see his thick, muscular pecks with two firm nipples sticking from them. His stomach had a line of stubble running below his naval, leading to something that Nathan would likely be introduced to very soon.

Bryan remained silent, staring over Nathan's shoulder and into the darkness behind him. Was he enjoying this? It was hard to tell.

Nathan hunkered down. The next part was the part that he had been most dreading, as once this was done, Bryan would be free to do as he pleased.

"No" Bryan said flatly "shoes first".

Nathan should have guessed. His bully would of course have wanted to draw this out as long as possible, and having Nathan remove his shoes like some sort of ancient Egyptian slave was the perfect way of doing just that.

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