Chapter 7

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The rest of the journey remained uneventful, with Radek eventually joining Jesse in a chorus of loud snoring. Teddy hadn't spoken since the pact, but he did occasionally shake his head and mutter under his breath as the others spoke.

"What about condoms?" Nathan asked, his face turning a pale shade of pink at the word.

"I don't have any, do you?" Rory said and both Nathan and Ben shook their head.

"Anyway, who cares?" Rory continued, and this was enough to cause another loud tut from Teddy.

It was a long ride, and they were all aware that Jesse and Radek would likely wake up soon. Nathan sunk in his chair at the thought.

Rory however, had something else in mind and stood up, walking toward the back of the bus.

"What are you doing?!" Nathan hissed, almost falling from his chair but the young Irish man waved him away and continued casually down to the sleeping brutes.

"He's gonna' get himself killed" Ben said, watching as Rory began searching through one of their bags.

"He's gonna' get all of us killed" Nathan corrected.

Rory eventually pulled out a large plastic water bottle and turned back to the others.

"Hey!" He called quietly until they all turned around.

The scouts watched with a mixture of horror and glee as Rory held the bottle to his crotch and shoved his hand into his pants.

"He's not doing what I think he's doing?" Teddy said, his mouth falling open.

But Rory was doing exactly what Teddy was thinking. He pulled out a rather impressively sized pole of flesh and hung it over the waistband of his bottoms. He looked back at the others, grinning from ear to ear as he unscrewed the bottle cap and stuffed his flaccid meat inside.

Nathan and Ben covered their mouths as tears of laughter began trailing down their cheeks, but Teddy shook his head again and continued reading.

When Rory had successfully emptied his bladder into the bottle, he carefully screwed the lid back on and returned it to where he'd found it, walking back to his seat confidently.

"You're insane, dude!" Ben whispered, his throat raspy from laughter.

It was another hour before the vast landscape of endless greenery came into view. It was like something from a movie, with huge trees as far as the eye could see. Mountains surrounded it from all angles, rising high above the forest as though to prevent escape.

"Damn" Rory exhaled "it's big".

"Yes, Rory" Teddy rolled his eyes "three million acres is quite 'big'"

"Three million?" Rory gasped "shit, that's at least fifty times the size of the park"

Teddy scrunched his face and looked over at Rory.

"Fifty times?" He questioned "do you know just how large three million acres is?"

"I said at least!" Rory argued, but before they could continue their debate, Jesse woke.

"Where is this fucking forest?" He snarled, yawning and stretching his muscular arms.

Rory pointed out the window.

"It's three million acres" he said, as if he had known the fact all along.

"Shut the fuck up you little sperm guzzler" Jesse scoffed "it's three million acres" He mimicked to Radek who had also woken up.

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