Chapter 1

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June 3rd 1994

A rush of water filled his mouth and nose, burning as it poured rapidly down his throat. He could feel it blocking his ears too, and his eyes remained firmly shut. The sensation of drowning made him kick his legs out from underneath him, but he was held in place by the waistband of his underpants that were being torn between the cheeks of his buttocks until his skin felt like tearing.

Nathan Gregory screamed into the murky toilet water that was continuing to swirl around his head until finally the hand that had so tightly gripped his mousy brown hair, let go and he fell into the corner of the dirty toilet stall, his lungs burning as he gasped for air.

Three burly young men stood in the doorway, their laughter so menacing and incessant that it had grabbed the attention of some younger students who sneered and jeered as they stole glances into the drenched stall.

Nathan continued to suck air into his lungs as he struggled to his feet, slipping in the pools of toilet water and urine that surrounded him. He was almost thankful that his face was soaking wet as it hid the tears that were now flowing down his cheeks.

Bryan Donaldson stood between his two friends and wiped tears of laughter from his eyes as he watched the squirming and terrified eighteen-year-old slip and slide in the toilet water. He didn't know his name, but he didn't need to know it.

Nathan finally managed to drag himself from the wet tiled floor and found himself face to face with Bryan, Peter and Chris. The sick feeling in his stomach intensified and the familiar feeling of dread returned with a vengeance.

"What?" Bryan hissed, his cheeks rosy from the fun they'd been having.

"I need to get to class" Nathan mumbled, avoiding eye contact and staring instead at his shoes.

"I can't hear you" Bryan sneered, holding a finger to his ear.

"I... I need to get to class" Nathan repeated, his voice shaking and the sentence coming out at a higher pitch than he had intended.

Peter reached around Bryan and yanked Nathan's bag from his hand, unzipping it quickly and pouring the contents onto the floor.

"No!" Nathan shrieked but as he tried to step forward, Bryan's beefy hands drove into his chest and sent him shooting painfully backwards.

He felt his feet slip from under him once more and landed with a wet thud into the toilet bowl that his head had just been in moments before.

Bryan and Chris sneered sadistically at him before they parted and Nathan now had a front row seat to witness what Peter was doing.

Nathan's books had fallen in a pile. At the top, he could see his diary and he prayed that none of them would pick it up and read the contents, for he couldn't even begin to comprehend how much more miserable his life would become if they did.

Rather than pick it up however, Peter had other ideas and Nathan watched with a mixture of horror and relief as the thick young man pulled down the zipper of his pants and pulled a small, meaty nub from the hole.

Bryan and Chris were hysterical now, their laughter reverberating off the cheap stall walls, echoing out into the corridors outside and drilling into Nathan's brain.

Peter continued to splash his belongings with piss, ensuring that his back pack was also soaked through by the time he squeezed the last few dribbles from his dick.

The bell rang and Bryan and Chris walked to the bathroom door, still coughing from the laughter as Peter stuffed his junk back into his pants and looked up at Nathan who was doing his very best to hold back anymore tears.

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