8th text

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A/n: AAAHAHHAHh I'm so excited to write these next couple chapters:))))

From: Hunter

Luz told me about how Willow copied Y/n's voice and how nothing of what she said was real. "Why would she do that?!" I asked Luz. Everyone else was asleep by now, Luz and I sat at the dinner table.

"Love makes us do crazy things. You should talk to her." Luz suggested. "I'm tired! Before tonight I tried talking to Willow, but she just ignored me." I stared into my cup of tea. "Maybe you should try talking to her this weekend while Y/n isn't around." I started to drink some of my tea and then checked on it when she said that.

"Yeaaaaah about that..." I chuckled nervously, "I invited Y/n." I stated "Hunter!!" Liz yelled. "I'm sorry! She is just the only person besides you and Gus who I can talk to right now, and even then... Gus has slowly drifted away. This whole situation is really throwing a wrench in our relationship." I sighed.

We sat in silence for a moment "It's fine. Y/n can come. But you better talk to Willow." Luz sighed. "Thank you, and I will."


From: Y/n

It was now the day before we were supposed to leave for the camping trip. I was really excited to go especially since Willow and I are on better terms!... I think.

I zipped up my duffle bag and placed it on the floor next to my sleeping bag. I sat down on my bed and thought about anything I might have forgotten to pack.

My train of thought was interrupted by a buzz. I checked my phone and saw a message from my mom.

Mom: hey! I got scheduled for the night shift again, I won't be able to see you off tomorrow, call me when you get to the campsite! ❤

I smiled and texted her a thumbs up and heart. I grabbed my bags and moved them downstairs, I dug through the fridge and found some stuff to make a grilled cheese. "Dinner for champions" I whispered to myself.

I finished my grilled cheese and washed the dishes. I stayed up a little late, then after about 4 hours, I went to bed.

I heard my phone buzzing and I quickly woke up. I saw Luz was calling me. I picked it up, "hello?" I said with a groggy voice.

"Did you just wake up?" Luz asked "Yeah? Why?" I asked waking up fully. "Because it's 11 am and we're waiting for you outside." I shot up when I heard her say the time and quickly got dressed.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my bags and ran out the door, I saw Ms. Noceda's car parked out front and I ran up to it. In the front seat was Vee, and in the second row were Luz, Amity, and Willow. While in the back seat were Hunter and Gus, with an open spot waiting for me.

I put my bag in the trunk the got in. "Alright is everyone here?" Camilla asked. "Seems like it!" Luz responded cheerily. The car started and we started moving "Then let's get this show on the road!" Camilla turned on the radio and everyone in the front started dancing and singing along.

Hunter and I sat there awkwardly, sandwiched together. After a While, I started to get tired and let my head fall onto Hunter's shoulder. Not long after I fell asleep.


The drive wasn't very long, 2 hours (not including stops) at most. When we got to the campsites Camilla helped us unload, then once everything ng was unloaded she got back in her car. "Have fun kids see you in 4 days! Don't do anything stupid." Camilla said seriously as she started to drive away.

"Wait Camilla and Vee aren't staying with us?" I asked. "No, she has to work and Vee doesn't really like e camping very much... or Hunter..." Luz whispered the last part as she started unpacking the stuff. She got our one huge tent and had Amity help her put it together. Hunter and Gus helped too while Willow admired the scenery.

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