Chapter 10: The Man Who Can't Be Moved

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I slowed to a walk as I sat on the nearest bench and cried as I let my broken heart break even more. I pulled my exposed knees up to my chest and layed my head on my legs. I felt like I was dying on the inside. I couldn't believe what just happened. How did it turn to this? Oh yeah, Castiel.

My heart clenched at the thought of him. How could he do this to me? I was so caught up in my own self pity, that I didn't even hear the footsteps approaching me. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and looked up to see a guy about my age with familiar blonde hair and golden like eyes. "Nathaniel?" I sniffled. "Hey, Rose. What's wrong?" I asked quietly as he sat next to me on the cold, hard bench. He looked at me and pulled me into his arms. I sobed and told him the whole story, after all, he is a werewolf. I found out he was the peacekeeper in his pack, but the same rouge pack wiped out all of his pack, but he made it out. He had three long scars on his back to prove it when I didn't believe him.

I don't know when, but I soon feel into a deep sleep on Nate's chest. I couldn't help but feel like I was somehow betraying Castiel as I did this...


I groaned loudly as I heard my noisy alarm go off, telling me it was time to get up. To shut the annoying thing up, I lazily threw my hand over the snooze button. I slowly sat up and my hand instantly went to my pounding head. I once again groaned as I threw the covers off, exposing my long, tan legs. I shivered as a cool breeze blew through my room.

With a pounding headache, I looked around my room and wondered how I got there. A sudden rush of memories flowed through my mind and my heart clenched as I remembered Castiel kissing Amber. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around it, even though I saw it with my own two eyes.

I sighed as I got up and shuffled towards my bathroom. I stepped through my door, make sure it was shut up behind me, turned the shower on, and quickly undressed before stepping into the cool shower. The warm water rained down on my face, hiding the silent tears that also snuck down my face.

I cried for the pain I felt when I saw him kiss Amber. I cried for my granny. I cried for my best friend, who's life was stolen from her. And I cried for my parents. I missed the sweet smile of my mom. I missed the way she could light up a room by just walking in. Her laughter that was contagious and most of all, the way she would sing me to sleep. And my dad... I missed the way he played with me, always rough, but never too rough. His hugs that practically swallowed me whole. But what I miss most of all was the way he would always stick up for me, even when I was wrong. I missed them so much, it was beyond words.

Once my tears ran dry, I quickly washed my hair and body before stepping out of the shower. I dried off and ran to my dresser, pulling out a red tank top, some black skinny jeans, my red cloak, and some combat black boots. I quickly threw them on and dashed through the hallway, down the stairs, and into the filled kitchen.

"Hey little sis!" Derek smiled as I hopped onto the bar stool. "Hey." I grunted in response. "Well, someone's on a good mood." Austin muttered from the stool next to me as Derek shoved a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes towards me. I growled lowly at Austin before shoveling the delicious food into my mouth.

"Hmmm. You know," Tyler begin as he walked through the kitchen door, "I wonder why, at two in the morning, I answered the door to see a blonde boy holding you, my little sister, in his arms, wanting to carry you to your bed." I instantly froze and silently stared at my half eaten pancakes. "Mind explaning that to me?" I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I sat frozen. "Oh, this just got very interesting." Jewls whispered to Derek, who was staring intently at me. I growled lowly at Jewls, obviously trying to avoid the question.

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