I Jacaerys

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King's Landing - 129 AC

I entered my chambers and sighed. I headed towards the chair facing the window. Before sitting down, I took my sword from my belt and went to lay it down, next to the chair, but stopped as the sunrays hit the hilt.

I observed silently as Dark Sister shone under the sunlight and sighed. I had received the famed Targaryen sword when I turned six and ten, my come of age. As Targaryen tradition, the heir always receives Dark Sister.

It had been weird for me. Since I could remember, Blackfyre would be wielded by my muña and Dark Sister by my kepa. Now my kepa walked around with The Conqueror's dagger.
Six moons later, I was still not used to it.

"How was the Small Counsil meeting?" Clarissa asked me with a smile, even after two pregnancies, she looked as beautiful as the day she came to work for me.

"Tiring," I sighed. "I still don't know how muña and kepa do it."

"You must be doing a great job if the queen had you replace her in the meetings," Clarissa tried to comfort me.

"She only did so, because the healer recommended her to rest so far along her pregnancy," I shook my head. "All I've done is make a fool out of myself."

"Don't say that," Clarissa frowned. "The queen had been pregnant two times before after being crowned. If she did not believe you ready, she would have only had the king representing the crown in those meetings. But she asked you to accompany the king."

I frowned, not really believing her words. Being the firstborn of five, soon to be six, siblings was hard. Especially, when that makes you the Crown Prince of a dynasty like the Targaryen Family and be reminded that one that you will need to fill the shoes of someone as great as Rhaenyra Targaryen. Conqueror of the Stepstones and Iron Islands, First Queen of Westeros, rider of the Golden Queen, The Dragon Queen.
... it was a lot to live up to.

"Now, you have scheduled a dragon ridding session with Princess Baela Targaryen, then a meeting with Queen Rhaenyra, and finally dinner with Princess Rhaena Tragaryen to discuss your wedding preparations."

My frown deepened at the mention if my wedding. At seven and ten, with so many responsabilities and duties, the last thing I needed to add to my plate was decide that color my garments should be.

I followed Ser Harwin, my Sworn Shield and Lord of Harrenhal, towards the dragon pit. As we rode there, I smiled and waved to the commonfolk, who had gathered to receive me as I passed. Another show of the love and appreciation the realm had for my mother. No other queen has ever been loved like this, even Alysanne The Good.

"You don't seem very happy about your upcoming wedding, Your Highness," Harwin commented, after somr minutes of silence.

"I love Rhaena, she is a great cousin and will make a greater queen," I answered honestly. "But I can't handle everyone talking about how we are my parents reborn. A silver princess and a dornish prince." I glared at that. "First of all, I am a Targaryen, no matter my coloring, and secondly, we are not in love like our parents. We are doing this out of duty."

"In love?" Harwin threw his head back in a startled laugh. "You believe your parents were in love?"

"Everyone knows my parents love for each other," I glared at my Sworn Shield, seeing an insult in his behavior. "Bards are sung about it, all the way to Essos. My kepa had the Water Gardens in Dorne constructed just for my muña."

"Oh, they are in love, now," Harwin agreed. "But back then... do you know what they were for each other?" I shook my head, looking at him confused. "They were a crown and an army." My eyes widened at his words, not believing a single word. My parents love will go down in history, as the love thar united Westeros. Everyone knows that! "The previous king... he wanted a male heir. However, Mother Queen Aemma could not give him one. She tried, but with every stillborn and miscarriage, her health worsened," Harwin smiled sadly. I did not know that. "At four and ten, the queen's gift awakened and she saw her mother die... after the king decided to cut her open to save his male heir." I gasped horrified by his words. "Clearly distraught, the back then princess, offered herself up. She would take the burden and duty of providing the king with heirs. She was rapidly betrothed to Prince Qoren Martell, they met and one moon later they were married in Dragonstone."

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