III Qoren

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King's Landing - 117 AC

"Surprisingly, many think it wise, the inheritance order you've decided upon," my father commented, eating a grape as we sat in the Martell tent at the King's Landing tourney in honour of the third son. "You are unitying all three Targaryen bloodlines, making sure that there won't be any inheritance issues for the throne. Both your oldest sons marrying Princess Rhaenys and Prince Daemon's descendance will keep the realm harmounsly. With the main Velaryon House not having a an heir other than Baela, it was to no one surprise that you chose to name this child as Prince of Dorne."

"Good to know there won't be any issues," I sighed. "I know our way of doing things is... peculiar. However, sweet Luke is not meant to be a Prince of Dorne. He is too much of a Sea Dragon for that." I chukled, recalling my wife's words.

"Putting someone in a position of such power simply because they are the eldes is not smart, it will simply lead to ruin," my father shook his head. "Especially, if they do not want that seat. Also, the situation itself is peculiar. The lords and ladies of the realm understand and see this as a great way to finally bring peace and unite the realm in one direction."

"Good," I nodded pleased.

"Now," my father smirked. "I would like to know since when have you been planning your sneaky attack on the Citadel?"

"Ha ha ha!" I laughed, throwing my head back delightedly. "Unlike with the Faith, who had already been porving to be defective and full of hypocrisy, we could not simply introduce new religions and watch as the people converted rapidly. I mean, why would they not convert when the Seven tells them that they are suffering because of the Gods punishing them for their transgresions in their last lives?" I scoffed, as my father snorted. "The maesters are too important in Westeros. They're in every house, messages goes through them. They are the only ones allowed to do any healing, are in every birthing bed... my princess broke the mold bringing healers from Essos. It allowed the lords and ladies that were uncomfortable with all of them to have the courage to change as well. With the Healers healing us bring two healthy sons and with a thirds pregnancy, even with her... family's side struggling with fertility issues, every lady was stunned and demanded at least one Healer in their household. With the teachers of Essos coming to Westeros and Nyra's schools slowly spreading through the realm, the Citadel no longer controled the knowledge of the realm. No longer only those that could pay were the only ones taught." I smirked victoriously, a venemous smirk that was shared with my father. "Slowly but steadily the Citadel began to lose power and influence. By the time our son rules, they won't be an issue anymore."

"Will there be a change of the position of Grand Maester in the Small Counsil?" Father asked curiously.

"By King Viserys? Never!" I scoffed. "But maybe when my wife takes the throne."

"Son! Be careful with what you say!" Father snapped at me. "Especially here, where anyone could listen! Your son is the heir, not your wife."

"I don't need you to remind me of that," I scowled. "Stupid rules, if there's someone that's meant to be the first queen is Nyra."

"I agree, but things are this way," Father sighed. "Maybe your son can change the rules, at least to permit the lords and ladies of the realm to appoint a female heir if they desire it."

"It won't be like ours, many female firstborn will be looked over by their younger, and most of the time unqualified, brothers," I scoffed. "I would rather just pass a law that states that the firstborn, no matter the gender, will inherite the titles."

"That will only get you a rebelion," my father snorted. "The Vale and the North might accept it, there's been many houses that have welcomed female heirs... though, only when there was no male to inherite. Your daughter will inherite the Arryn title. But the rest of Westeros?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "They are not ready. Not now, maybe after some generations with the law I've recommended, they'll get used to having female rulers and ladies. Though, no one knows."

"All of this is so stupid," I sighed. "Had it not been by Nyra and my beautiful boys, I would have already left on a boat to Dorne. I miss the Water Gardens and Sunspear."

"Why don't you come? You've been away from home for five years," my father offered. "After you wife gives birth and she and your youngest are ready to travel, you can all come to visit. Dorne is also part of your sons' culture. It's time for them to learn it and appreciate it."

"I'll talk it with Nyra," I replied, eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm sure there won't be any issues, but we'll need the king's permision. The kids are his heirs."

"Let Princess Rhaenys and Queen Aemma deal with him," my father waved. "They have a nice tight hold on him." We both snorted at that. "You convince your wife."

"There won't be any need to convince her," I shook my head. "She loved it when we went to Dorne for the royal progression, and would have liked to stay more time."

"Great! Then I'll have the place ready and make sure the cooks make everyone's favourite food!" My father exclaimed excitedly. "My grandsons are coming home after all!"

Before we could continue our conversation, Oberon Sand, one of my father's knights, barged in panting. "My princes, there's been an attack on Princess Rhaenyra!"

Everything was white noise after that. I barely caught my father yelling at the guard, or the commotion that was happening outside the tent. I simply rushed, pushing whoever got into my way. I ignored my guards and father's shouts, telling me to get back, that it was dangerous with an assassin on the loose.

My wife had been attacked! My child could be... dead.

Mother Rhoyne! Have mercy on us and protect them! I beg of you! I kept on begging as I rushed towards the royal tent.

"Kepa!" Both of my little dragon cried out, as soon as they saw me.

I gasped as I saw the blood in Jace's clothes. The two of them left the arms of Laena and Leanor Velaryon and jumped into mine. I hugged them close, almost to the point of cutting their oxigene. My sons were safe and sound, now where's my wife?

I looked up, as I hid Jace and Luke's faces on the juncture between my neck and shoulder. My eyes fell on the shaken Velaryon kids, before noticing the blood in Joffrey Lonmouth's clothes.

"What happened?" I asked the spouce of my good-cousin.

"Princess Rhaenyra and Lady Jeyne Arryn were talking in the royal tent," Joffrey began explaining, clearly shaken by the events. But I could not find it in myself to care, I needed to know what had happened to my wife. "I left to escort Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys, who Lady Jeyne wanted to spend some time with... when I noticed a maid sneaking behind the princess and pull out a knife." I shuddered, holding my sons closer. "The assassin was able to stab the princess in her shoulder, before I struck her down. Lady Jeyne rapidly took the princes away and called the Healers, while I tended to the princess... she is now giving birth."

"No," I gasped, but said nothing more, as I had my sons in my arms.

She could not be giving birth now. She was not ready. Nyra did not want to give birth on another big event, with all the lords and ladies of the realm waiting. So, we decided to make the tourney on her seventh moon of pregnancy, not on her ninth.

The baby was not ready to come out. My son... my wife... Mother Rhoyne why?  

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