I Rhaenys

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King's Landing - 112 AC

"Princess," Ser Harwin bowed from his post outside my cousin's chambers.

"Ser Harwin," I greeted him back. "I'm here to visit my cousin and her son."

"Of course," he smiled and turned to knock on the door. "Princess, Princess Rhaenys is here to pay you a visit." When no one answered, he frowned and knocked again, this time more insistantely. "Princess? Are you ok?" When no one answered, we both exchanged worried looks, before Ser Harwin barged in, hand in sword. "Oh! Thank the Gods she is ok," he whispered relieved.

I smiled fondly at the scene we barged into. Rhaenyra and Jacaerys were laying down on her bed, cuddling as they slept peacefully. My smile widened when I realized what Jacaerys was hugging. A dragon egg, one as big as him. The beautiful baby was quite adorable, no wonder he had won everyone's hearts so fast. As my cousin had dreamt, Jacaerys had his father's smooth olive skintone, black-curly hair, and big doe-black eyes. There was no way anyone could doubt whose son he was. He also did take his mother's bone structure, slender nose, and her smile. He was the perfect copy of the two of them and will be quite the heartbreaker in the future.

I smirked viciously, knowing that it will be my granddaughter the one that will sit beside him, as they rule as king and queen of the realm.

"She must have been quite tired," I whispered, pointing with my head towards the door. He rapidly understood and we were both out, leaving the mother-son pair to rest. "I've heard she's pushing to gentrify the city center."

"She has," Ser Harwin smiled proudly. "She hopes to put in an area for people to meet and children to play. A green landscape that has a fountain at it's center, with a spot for children to play. Artists could display their work, musicians can play their music, and mummers could preform."

"It is a wonderful way to bring the city together," I smiled, honoured that finally a member of the royal family has decided to do their job. "With the various kingdoms receiving more taxes from the commonfolk thanks to the new jobs and education... I would not expect anyone protesting."

"They are not, especially with the Martell coin being used and the dornish ladies doing the groundwork as our princess rests," Ser Harwin replied. "The princess is going to name it Plaza del Sol, in honor of her husband and her people."

"That will win over Dorne and win the commonfolk," I murmured. "Not to mention, the commonfolk first impression of the dornishpeople is favourable, with so many donations and working hand in hand with them."

"Did you say something?" Ser Harwin inquired obliviously.

"Nothing," I smiled. Ser Harwin might not know how to play the game, but he was loyal to a fault. The Breakbones will keep the princess and prince safe, as he should. "I was just thinking of visiting the queen, as the princess rests."

"Of course," he smiled. "Would you like me to arrange an escort," he pointed to some nearby guards, who straightened up under the scrutiny.

"No, I'll be fine," I declined and left. I headed towards the queen's bedchambers and entered after being invited in. "Good morn cousin."

"Rhaenys!" Aemma greeted me with a beaming smile. "Have I mentioned how good it is to have you in court? Because it is! This place is filled with so many vipers, that it's good to find an ally."

"You seem quite hyper," I commented, chuckling.

"With Jacaerys birth no one has pushed me or made any comment about my duty," a sneer twisted her pretty face. "I am finally free! Though I wished my daughter did not have to be the one to free me..."

"Daemon told us that she will not have another child in a while," I said. "That it was decided, so she would not ruin her health by having so many kids so young. With a royal heir already born there's no rush."

"There isn't," Aemma agreed. "But that does not mean I do not feel guilty that my daughter had to marry a complete stranger and have a son at five and ten namedays. Now six moons later, not only does she need to keep up with being a young mother but to clean up after our bad work as king and queen. Her pojects and goodwill has spread not only by the commonfolk but with the lords and ladies. Her marriage bringing Dorne in and securing our line on the throne with Jacaerys and his betrothal with your grandaughter, combining all three remaining Valyrian bloodlines... there has not been a moment the Targaryan House has stood stronger since the death of King Jaehaerys' death."

"It does not fall on you," I comforted her. "Your husband is king and we both know that no one listens to women in this realm."

"They do when it comes to my daughter, she simply inspires loyalty and admiration wherever she goes," Aemma chuckled. "Annd it does, because I could take the weight of her back when it comes to the Plaza del Sol project... but I do not want to face Viserys. Not that the fool had even noticed my lack of presence around him, so high in the power and praise our house is receiving because of pur daughter."

I frowned at her scoff. "What happened Aemma? I know that Rhaenyra saw something, but what could she have dreamt that has you hating my cousin, the man you've loved until recently."

"They'll take the baby out," Aemma said drily. "That's all he said before Grand Maester Mellos cut my belly open to take my son out and let me bleed to death."

"No!" I gasped horrified. "There's a practice like that?! And Viserys would have allowed that? I can't believe that!"

"I do," Aemma's eyes were dead as she stared at me. I flinched at the pain and betrayal in them. "He could have allowed Daemon to stay as his heir or even names Leanor as heir if he truly believed what that viper of Otto says about my good-brother. Everyone knew that the childbirth would have been my death if things continued this way. I would have died this year had it not been because of my daughter. But he did not. He continued obsessed, even at my expence, becuase he wanted a male heir from his line." Aemma scoffed. "Now he has one and will have another four soon, he could not be happier."

"I always thought of him as fool, a puppet to the Hightowers... to think that so much darkness recided in his heart," I shook my head, still in disbelief but not being able to refute Aemma's words. "I..."

"Your Grace!" A guard knocked on the door, interrupting us.

"What is it?" Aemma answered, clearly bothered by the interruption.

"Your Grace! Prince Jaceary's dragon egg has hatched!" The guard opened the door to announced with an excited expression. "House Targaryen has a new dragonrider!"

We both exchanged surprised expressions before laughing and rushing towards the princess' chambers with excitement. A new dragon has been born today! What wonderful news!

A group of maids and guards were already there, as the princess' ladies tended to their charge. I did not know how to act when I noticed that Viserys was there smiling proudly that his heir's egg hatched so early.

Luckily, I did not have to interract with him. I turned to the bed and a smile spread through my lips. Wrapped in his mother's arms, who in return was in his father's arms, sat Jacaerys . He was babbling and giggling at the small dragon. A beautiful dragon of olive green scales and pale orange wing membranes. Many awed when the dragon landed on the prince's lap and was hugged by a giddy Jacaerys .

It was then that I realized something. The realm's future did not lay on the little prince's hands or Visery's. It laid on the hands of the person that united us all, the one who saw what could have happened and sacrificed herself to save her mother. It laid in the hands of the brave little princess before me.

I might have been the queen that never was. But mark my words, I will make Rhaenyra the first queen... even if it costs my life. 

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