II Otto

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King's Landing – 115 AC

I raged as I threw vase after vase against the walls of my chambers. How could things have turned like this? The issue on the Stepstones was supposed to deviate trade towards Old Town and bloom our business. If anything, our economy and trade went down. Now trade was being controlled by House Targaryen and the Stepstones. Every ship went through Sunspear, King's Landing, Driftmark, and White Harbor.

What is that wrench's obsession with the barbaric North?! I seethed internally. Not that it mattered, they love her up there and the Stark swore a vow of loyalty to thet whore and her kids.

What makes it even worse, is that any plan I've had to make my grandchildren Targaryens have been ruined. That whore has arranged the marriage of Elmo Tully and Alicent Hightower behind my back and got the fucking king's blessing to be said in the middle of the banquet opening the week long tourney for the upcoming birth of her second child.

What's worst is that my daughter was fucking grateful! Saying how kind and generous the princess was, arranging such a benefitial match for the daughter of a second son of a small house. How did I raise such a pathetic and stupid girl?

To make things worse, Alicent was set to be sent to Riverrun for her upcoming wedding. With the promise of Princess Rhaenyra finishing the royal progression with her wedding. That only worked to endear her more to my daughter and House Tully, who were touched by receiving such an honour. Which made them even less likely to allow anything to ruin this match.

The only thing I can pray for now is that the child on that whore's belly will be stillborn or be a girl. I'm still trying to get rid off that dornish bastard, but that pesty dragon is always close by and screeches whenever an assassin or poison gets close to the boy. By now, no assassination or poisoning attempt has been caught, but if this continues it will soon happen. I tried to talk that fool of Viserys into sending that lizard to the pits with the others, but he refuses. Saying that the bond between a Targaryen and their dragon went above anything and he will never make his heir suffer like that by separating them.

As if that retard knows the first thing about dragon bonding when his died! I growled internally. Taking a deep breath to collect myself and get ready for the tourney, today the jousting will take place.

I tried to get the servants to say how scared they were of having a loose dragon around the castle. But they were all delighted with the monster and the brat. Calling them adorable and cute.

They are heretics! That's what they are!

I barely contained my growl, as I approached the royal balcony. There I saw my daughter and her betrothed chatting up the princess, as she laid against her whore of a husband, rubbing her pregnant belly.

"Did you hear of the work they've done here in King's Landing? They set up orphanages, housing for those who can't afford it, food for everyone, medical care, and let's not start with the sewer system!" A lady gushed.

"I know!" Another one replied. "I never thought I would ever take a stroll around this city without the smell almost killing me! It was quite pleasant and the flowers around the roads give such a sweer scent!"

"They're already being heralded as King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne come again by the smallfolk, my husband told me!" A third lady gossiped, as the three of them giggled.

By the time I reached the balcony, I was ready to kill everyone. Screw the plan!

"Otto! You've finally made it!" Viserys greeted me beaming.

Though I noticed that everyone else had a sour expression on their faces. The Velaryons and Manfrey Martell were joining us, each looking less pleased with my precense than the other. Even the brat, though that's mostly because he found out I tried to take his monster away. Another thing that I noticed, was the lack of presence of my daughter. It seems that she and Elmo had ran away.

Pathetic! I scoffed internally.

Externally I smiled. "Of course, I have. I would never miss such an important event, celebrating a new royal member! Apologies for my tardiness."

"Don't worry!" Viserys waved it away. "Sit! The jousting is about to start!"

And so it began. As it was expected, Daemon won the jousting, claiming victory. The only good thing about the day was seeing the star of the tourney not being crowned the Queen of Love and Beauty. The warmonger having claimed Laena as such. Not that the slut cared about it, busy teasing her husband who ended up second.

I said the only thing, because that same night the Red Keep was awakened by the screams of the whore princess as she gave birth to a second son.

They now have a heir and a spare.

There's no way that fool Viserys will change his mind now that his whore of a daughter proved not to be defective like her mother and provided him with two grandsons.

"A second prince!"

"Lucerys Targaryen-Martell!"

"Maybe he'll inherite his father's princeship in Dorne?"

"I'll have to talk with my lord husband, our granddaughter is around the prince's age."

"Things just get keep getting better and better! The Gods have truly blessed her Highness Princess Rhaenyra!"

"She's truly the Realm's Delight!"

I growled, seething as I marched down the halls of the Red Keep towards the chambers of the princess. In there I found the whole Targaryen and Martell Houses, smiling fondly towards the bed. In it, the whore was holding the newest bastard in her arms, as her first bastard and his monster sat next to her excitedly, chatting up the baby... who had his tiny hands on the pearlwhite dragon egg with golden motifs.

"Your Grace," I bowed, quickly heading towards Viserys' side, ignoring the glare the infertile failure sent my way. "Is it truly smart to allow this?"

"What in the fourteen flames are you talking about?!" He glared at me. "My second grandson has just been born, what kind of nonesense and troubles do you bring me in such a wonderful night?"

"Giving him a dragon egg, allowing a second son that will likely inherite Dorne a dragon... is not a good idea, you grace," I rapidly tucked that at the end, when all I really wanted was to hit that idiot in the head. "He could in a future raise arms against the Targaryen House in the name of the Martells..."

"Are you honestly calling a fresh born baby a kinslayer?" The failure of a queen turned to me aghast, causing everyone to stop talking and turn to us. "What even is passing through your mind right now? My grandson is a Targaryen and as per our house's tradition, he will get a dragon egg. You don't get any say in it, or have any right to make any comment. Especially, not one that tarnishes the name of two of the greates houses in the realm and brands a baby as a kinslayer!"

"I..." I glared at her hatefuly, not being able to stand being insulted by a defective woman.

"You nothing!" Viserys raged. "For a while, you and I have not agreed on how the realm should move forward. For your great service towards my grandfather and I, I decided to forgive the slights... but this? This I cannot forgive! I want you and your whole household gone before the the sun rises. You are no longer the Hand of the King!" I gaped as he snatched the pin from my chest.

"Father, could you allow Alicent to stay?" The weak princess asked softly from her bed. I turned to her, noticing the mocking smirk sent my way, hidden under the glared of everyone else in the chambers. "She is an innocent and missisng one of my ladies in waiting after giving birth will only complicate things for me."

"Of course, my sweet princess," Viserys fell for her act like the fool he is. Beforee turning back to glare at me. "From now on, you are exiled from not only King's Landing, but all of Crownlands! Your daughter will remain in service of the princess, until she is ready to leave for her wedding in Riverrun. Leave!"

I stood there for a second, feeling lost before pure hatred and rage began boiling within me. I sent one last glare at the mocking Targaryens, behind their puppet king... my puppet king!

With one last bow, I left the chambers swearing that they will regret the day that they've crossed Otto Hightower! 

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