Wes or Sam?

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I got ready

(The picture is what Katie is wearing)

Black on my crease (not to heavy)
Liquid liner small wing
Curled lashes
Lip gloss

(Sam as the picture)

I put my perfume on and sat on my bed for a while.

About 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door, my heart started pounding of excitement! I was so excited! I went down stairs and opened the door with a huge smile on my face. But that smiled went, I asked "What are you doing here?"

Wesley's POV
I decided to say sorry to Katie about the other day. So I got ready and went in my car and drove to Katie's house. When I arrived at her house I saw this guy about to knock on her door and I found out that it was Sam..I ran to her door and knocked with Sam next to me, which was awkward.

I saw the door slid open and I couldn't help but stare! She looked so beautiful! I always liked her, and when she told me that she liked me, I felt bad that I let her down. "Wes? What are you doing here?" I stopped staring at her and said "I need to talk to you about yesterday." She grabbed Sam's hand and said "Well can we talk about that some other day?" And when she grabbed Sam's hand my heart felt weird..I think I was jealous, and I deserve being treated this way by Katie.

Katie's POV
I closed the door and said "Sorry about that.." He turned to me "Why did he want to talk about yesterday." I grabbed his hand and say on the couch "Oh he told me that you were bad and all that. Sam nodded "Do you believe him or no?" "Of course not."

About five minutes later we started making out. I felt how his lips are on mine, I heard someone knock on the door, I got up and opened the door it was Wes, I rolled my eyes "What do you want?" He grabbed my hands "Katie I need to talk to you!" I moved my hands, I heard Sam coming to me "What's going on?" I took a breath and said "Nothing." Sam went in front of me "Is this guy bothering you again?" I pushed him back, "Sam I got this." Sam got in front of me again "No!" He pushed Wes and yelled "GET OUT OF HER FACE!!" Wes pushed back "Don't touch me!!" I yelled "GUYS STOP!" They started to punch each other, until I spilt them again "What is wrong with you guys?!?" Wes said "I'm sorry Katie.!" I said "Can you guys please leave?" Then Sam said "Baby girl, please don't make me leave, I'm sorry" I sighed "Sam I will call you, okay?" He nodded and left. On the other hand Wes was still with me "Katie..?" I put my hands on my hip "Wes why would you fight back?!" He had a bloody nose, and all the stuff, "Katie he doesn't deserve you! You can do much better." I took a deep breathe, here come in, let's clean you up. We went to the bathroom and I got a wet cloth, and clean his nose "Ow!" He said I flinched "Sorry!"

I cleaned the blood off the cloth, and I could feel Wes staring at me, I looked at Wes and smiled "What?" He smiled he got up, and put his hands on my cheek, we were like and inch apart, then our lips touched, his kisses made me feel better. I pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, he said "Katie please take me back, I know I did something stupid, but it hurts me seeing you with another guy." I opened the bathroom door said "Wes it's hard, choosing between you and Sam"

*few hours later*
I went on Instagram and looked threw my timeline, and I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Sam. I smiled "Hi!" I pecked his lip, he smiled "Hey baby." We sat down "So what's up!" "Well I was wondering if you want to go to a party with me." When he said party I thought of that one time when that guy tried making out with me, I rubbed my neck "Um, me and parties don't go together." Sam grabbed my hands "Why?" He chuckled "Uh, long story short, parties give me bad memories." Sam got up "So is it okay if I go to the party?" I smiled and got up "Oh yeah! Go ahead!" He kissed me cheek and said "Awesome!" He opened the door and left.

I sat on my couch and watched some Netflix. I got a text from Wes saying "Can I come over?" I don't know why but I was excited "Yep!" I couldn't have feelings for him because I have a boyfriend.

I changed into my onesie, and I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up and opened the door "Hii!!" I said, he smiled "Hey." I knew something was wrong so I asked "Wes are you okay?"

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