Something new

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So, people know that I cut, but I don't want to tell them. So I decided to be a youtuber. So I made my first YouTube video.

I called Wes and asked if he could come over, obviously he said yes.

Before Wes comes, I had to get ready. So I did all that stuff people do in the bathroom, I went to my closet and had nothing to wear.

(The picture is what the outfit looks like)

I went to my vanity, and did my makeup, same as everyday.

For my hair I part it in the middle, and had it straight.

By the time I finished I heard a knock on the door. I don't know why I was really excited to see Wes. I opened the door and I smiled with the biggest smile EVER!! I jumped and wrapped my legs around him. He said "I didn't know you missed me so much?!?" I laughed and said " miss you? In your dreams!" We both laughed.

"Katie?" Slightly smiling "Yeah?" He grabbed my wrist the one with the cuts, I knew this day would come. He looked shocked, I pulled my wrist away, he asked "Katie do you cut?" I looked down and mumbled "Yeah..." He grabbed my wrist again and kissed every single one of them. I felt like I loved him...I smiled and kissed his check.

I asked "What do you wanna do today?" He smiled "Want to go to the movies?" I smiled and jumped up "PLEASE!!!" He smiled. We got in the car and I said "I remember this car." He smiled "me too, you had that black eye, and you wanted me to show you around." I smiled "Yeah, those days were one of the best." He looked at me confused "Why??" I looked down "Because I met you.." He looked at me and smiled and kissed me on the check, I didn't like the cuteness doing around so I said "You love me!" I laughed he did the same " love you in your dreams!" I laughed.

I turned the music up and Not On Drugs by Tove lo came on! That was my favorite! We were driving and I was singing the song loud, Wes was laughing.

We arrived at the movies and we meet couple fans! Which was amazing! I said "We should watch the movie with them!!" We nodded. Wes told the fans and they were about 10 of them, and they all wanted to sit my him, so obviously I let them. I sat in the back because I wanted the fans to have there time with him.

I got up and went outside, and none of them noticed. I sat down and went to on my phone. A fan came out and she sat next to me and said "Why aren't you in there?" With a sweet voice I smiled "I felt like you guys should spend time with him. She nodded "Are you guys acting again?" I chuckled "No no we aren't" she smiled "I don't understand why you get hate..?" I nodded "I'm used it to I guess." She asked "Can I have a quick picture?" I smiled "Yes!!" We took a picture and I said "You should probably get back inside." She got up "Are you coming?" I got up "Uh yeah!" We went inside, and watched the movie.

The movie ended, and I asked "Wait what's your name?" She smiled and said "Ashley!" I smiled "Beautiful name!" And then she freaked, I laughed.

Wes and I went inside the car, and he said "That was fun!" I went on my phone and smiled "Yeah!"

Wes knew something was wrong, so he had to make things serious and asked "Katie are you okay?" I kept my head down to my phone, "Yeah, I'm fine." He sighed "I know your lying!" I smiled at him "Why would I lie about that." I said "We should go to the beach." He nodded "Let's gooooo!!" I said "We need swimsuits..." He said we can just sit in the sand, I nodded "Alrighty then!"

We made it to the beach! I got out of the car I said "Rase ya!" And started running I could hear Wes laugh, Wes started to beat me, I started breathing heavily. We got towels and sat down, I said "It's beautiful!" He turned to me "Just like you." I smiled "Oh stop it!" I chuckled.

I closed my eyes, and had the sun on my body, then the sun was gone, I opened them and Wes was on top of me, I laughed "Get off" he smiled "No I'm good" I smiled, he then crashed his lips on mine, I put my arms around his neck. I realized that we weren't dating, so I pulled away and said "Uhh Wes isn't it weird that we kiss, but we aren't dating?" He then got off me and said "Right.."

He dropped my off at my house, and I went inside and took a shower.

*Next Day*
I woke up and it was 3 in the morning, I heard foot steps outside my room, I thought it was mom or Austin, I opened the door and went to the kitchen, someone out there mouth over my mouth, I tried fighting back but I couldn't! And he started to rape me!!

I got up and gasped, I found that it was all a dream. I checked the time and went on Instagram, and Wes posted sometime two hours ago, it was a picture of him, and this girl kissing at a eyes started to tear up, and a tear fell from my left eye, my heart just felt broken. His caption said 'I love you with all my heart.😍❤️' I started to cry more.

I fell back to sleep.

I woke up again, but it was 9 in the morning. I got a text from Wes it said "Hey wanna hangout?" I didn't reply, I just felt mad at him and more other emotions. I got up and got ready.

Lose sweater

Curled lashes

Busy bun

I heard a knock on my door and it was Wes he smiled "Hey!" I rolled my eyes "What do you want?" He smirked "What's wrong?" I sighed "Can you just leave?" He was confused "Why?" I rubbed my forehead "I just don't want to hangout with anybody right now!!" He nodded and left.

The girl next door (Wesley fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now