Eternity Chapter 14

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Damien’s POV

“ They’re coming here?”, I said confused. “ That’s what the buzz is some sorcerer lost his star gem and he’s looking for Leslie”, he said. “ Amanda’s dead”, Kat said. “ Everyone knows that too they couldn’t find the body it disappeared they were sure you had it”, he explained. “ We couldn’t find the body either”, Miranda said. “ They’re on their way and when they get here all hell’s going to break loose”, he said, “ which is why I’m getting out town good luck losers”. I heard him leave then I heard the doors open again and more people entered the room. “ You paid our bail”, the leader said.

“ Danny”, I said shocked. “ Aren’t you guys in jail”, Eve asked. “ Someone paid our bail”, Roan said. “ It wasn’t us”, Miranda said automatically. “ Well whoever it was I owe them a kiss jail sucks”, Blondie said coming over and sitting down. “ I’d love to know who it was too”, I said anxiously. “ Maybe it was one of them”, Harry suggested. “ One of who?”, Danny asked. “ It looks like we’re having a supernatural overrun”, Miranda said seriously.

“ WHAT?”, they said when we finished explaining. “ So basically we’re doomed”, Davy said. “ Not completely there’s still a slight chance we won’t die”, Christie said. “ It’s not looking good though”, Aidan said. “ Okay so there’s witches we know how to take them out, sorcerers same thing, vampires use stakes but what about werewolves and demons”, Georgie said puzzled. “ I honestly don’t know how to kill a werewolf but steel usually works for demons”, Roan said. Everyone turned to look at him and he said simply, “ there was a demon colony in my neighbourhood Red was the real expert but I know a few things”. Of course Amanda would know about demons this was just fate mocking us now.

“ Good so you’re in charge if demons show up on our front porch”, I said trying not to sound mean. “ Okay”, he said a little defensively. “ I’d rather stay out of the way this time”, Miranda said. “ Agreed”, Aidan said. “ So who wants to fight”, I asked sitting down. Everyone except Miranda put their hands up including all of Amanda’s human friends. “ Good now we need to get out and find out who we’re facing”, I said getting up again.

“ Good idea I’ll guard the house”, Miranda nodded. “ Just don’t burn it down”, Ralph said. “ I’ll do my best”, she said walking out. “ Call my cell if you pop”, Aidan said.

“ Alright Harry, Eve take those five and go downtown”, I said quickly poiting at the rest of Amanda’s school friends. “ Aidan, Georgie take those four and take uptown”, I said gesturing to Amanda’s other human friends.

“ Kat, Roan, Ralph, Victor, Danny, Blondie, Davy you guys are coming with me we have midtown”, I said grabbing a knife and some supplies. Everyone took their vehicles and me, Kat and the pack took Amanda’s truck. The pack played and sang on the way there cheering to cheer Kat up. We searched around and after an hour of searching we found something. It was a group of sorcerers and as soon as they saw me they tried to attack. I whistled and the others came running. “ Wait stop”, someone said, “ don’t kill these ones”.

“ Damien Darwin?”, the leader asked moving through his men. “ Who’s asking?”, I said annoyed. “ Let’s just say I know your girlfriend a little bit”, he smirked. “ YOU”, Kat said angrily. I stopped her before she did anything rash I’d already lost Amanda I wasn’t losing Kat too. “ How do you know Red?”, Danny asked. “ She was the most I’ve had in years she went out so quickly though”, he said pulling out a knife incrusting with blood. I growled and started towards him but Roan kept me back with some help from the others. “ Watch it wolf now your girlfriend took something from me if you hand it over no one has to die”, he said smartly. “ Why would we do that”, I said eyes narrowed. “ Your girlfriend’s sister’s still alive and your friend and that annoying human to start maybe even the vampire or we could just kill all of you in one swipe”, he sighed. “ You’re bluffing”, Blondie said. “ I thought you bunch were in jail”, he said cautiously.

“ Change in plans”, Roan said quietly. “ Anyways your girlfriend’s dead unless I get my gem back on Friday it’s over”, he said then walked away. I stood there for the longest time then left. “ At least we know he’s out in the open”, Kat said. “ And we know they didn’t bail us out”, Ralph said. “ They won’t it would make us stronger and they won’t want that”, I said as we walked back home. “ Then who would?”, Roan said carefully. “ We’ll find soon enough”, I said as everyone climbed into the truck. “ I miss Red”, Danny said sadly. “ Me too”, I said starting the car. We drove back home and meet the others there and we came up with a game plan. Drake White wasn’t going to win we weren’t going down without a fight.






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